Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Someone Loves You


Thank you again Clairey Cocaine!

"What do you have to tell me?" I asked, confused, yet still annoyed.

"We actually never dated Joe and Kevin." Claire replied.


"Why would you say you did?" I retorted.

Desteny sighed. "Look. We've known Joe and Kevin for years. We're like sisters to them. We have been there through a lot of heartbreak. We've seen them get dumped by girls that they loved and cared about. We couldn't see them get hurt anymore. So we made a promise to ourselves..."

"Okay. What was that promise?"

"We promised ourselves that we would be there for the boys, no matter what. When they get new girlfriends, we come in and see if they really love the boys or only want them because they are the Jonas Brothers. So, when we heard about Sara and Jade, we had to come and see them."

"Why did you have to make their lives living hells then? You could have just, I don't know, fucking ask them if they loved the boys. Which they do." I pointed out.

"It's not that easy. That's what we used to do. We would ask the girls, they say yes, then they would break up with the boys when another bigger celebrity came along. The only way to truely test and see if any girl loves them is to put them through hell. If you can make it through us, then you do deserve the boys..." Claire stated.

As crazy as it seems, that kinda makes sense...

Claire continued. "We didn't mean to make Sara and Jade cry. But we wanted to see if they truely did love Joe and Kevin. And they do. We can see when someone really loves them. Joe and Kevin really love them and they love them too. We are sorry for all the trouble we caused but we did it so Joe and Kevin wouldn't be hurt."

"Yeah, and when we say we can see someone loving another person, we really mean it." Desteny nodded her head, smiling.


"Um, I don't know what you mean." I was confused.

"Each vampire that is 'born' has a different power. We have the power to see if someone loves another person." Claire reminded.

"Oh, okay. That's... cool."

"The second we came here, we saw that Jade and Sara loved Kevin and Joe. We just wanted to stay and see if they can make it through hell." Claire told.

Desteny butted in. "But we are sorry for what we did. We never meant to hurt them like that."

"Are you guys going to leave now?" I asked.

"Yeah. We might as well. Our work here is done." They started to walk away but turned back around suddenly.

"OH! By the way, Nick loves you." They said, both smiling.


"I don't think he does-"

Desteny laughed. "Oh, trust us, he does. And you love him too."

"No, I don't." I implied.

"Yeah... sure." They rolled their eyes and started to walk away.

"I don't love him." I mumbled to myself.

Do I?
♠ ♠ ♠
part 3 of 3. That was hard to write. hope you liked it. please comment and rate. i won't be updating for a while.


Just in case I don't update until 2009 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!