Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

I Must Go

I woke up on Nick's bunk bed. I opened my eyes and looked around. Nick was no where. It didn't even look like he went to bed with me. I opened the curtain and jumped down. I walked into the kitchen area and saw Nick sitting at the table with wide eyes.

"Nick, are you okay?" I questioned, trying not to yawn.

Nick looked up at me with the same expression.

"I'm fine. Really..." He said fast.

"Nick, you look really pale, even for a vampire. Have you even gone to bed?"

He didn't reply. He just looked down at the table. I sat down across from him and saw his eyes. They were bloodshot.

"Nick, are you alright?" I slid my hands on top of his hands. He flew back out of his seat and stared at me with crimson eyes.

"I'm fine." He said, in a deep, scary voice.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. He straighten up some and said "Um, we arrived at the hotel already. I'm going to unload the bus."

"Can I help?" I asked.

"No. Just, um, just stay on the bus." He answered quickly. He looked up at me real fast and then left the bus at vampire speed.

I sat back in my chair and started to tear up. He actually scared me.


After about 2 hours, everyone was up and off the bus. The boys finally got some time off, 2 weeks. And we fought we would stay in a hotel and not the tour bus.

As I was walking down the hall to my room, I heard the boys talking in Kevin's room.

"Nick, are you okay? You haven't been looking good all day. Is there something wrong?" Joe asked.

"I did something bad guys, really bad." Nick said.

"What did you do? Did you bite Angelica?" Kevin replied.

"No. Well, last night I talked to her, y'know, about the dream. And then we started to... kiss."

"Trust me, you were doing more then kissing. I could hear you guys through the bathroom door." Joe said. I could tell he was smirking.

"Anyway, while we were kissing, I accidently knocked her out." He whispered.

"It must have been the demon in you." Kevin stated.

"What?" Joe and Nick asked.

"Every vampire has a demon inside of them. That demon is there for when we need to catch our food. It's the thing that knocks out the human for us. I guess the demon thought that you were hungry and Angelica was your food." Kevin said.

"Well, I almost bit her. But it was only a feeling I had for a second, at the most, and then I realize I knock her out. That's why... I'm going away for a while."

"What?" Kevin and Joe asked.

"I need to make sure I never do that again to Angelica. Next time, I might really hurt her. And I don't want to do that. Ever."

No, he can't leave. He can't leave me.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Nick?" Kevin questioned.

Nick sighed. "I have to. You guys can protect her while I'm away. I won't be gone for too long. Just long enough to clear my head."


"No buts. I need to do this." He stated.

I couldn't take it anymore. I opened the door and they all turned to me. I ran up to Nick and hugged him. "Nick, please don't go." I mummbled

"But I need to. I might hurt you next time, baby. I'm only going away for a while." He whispered.

"But I love you. Please Nick, please please don't go!" I yelled into his chest, while tear escaped my eyes.

"I'm sorry Angelica. I love you. That's why I'm doing this." He picked my head up and kissed my forehead. Then, he ran out of the room, in vampire speed.
♠ ♠ ♠


I'm a horrible author. But the thing is, I have had the worst case of writers block. Like, I don't think I've had it this bad before. I'm so so so sorry, if I had an idea for these stories, I would have update so much sooner. I understand if you guys are annoyed. If you're a writer, writing for only one story, you understand you get writers block. But I had to write for 4 stories. And... I couldn't think of anything. So I'm sorry. BUT, I finally though of some chapters. I updated twice, and I have another chapter now :)

All you need to do is give me 2 comments and I will update. I'll keep it like this. If I get 2 comments for every chapter, then I'll update. Maybe if I get more, I'll update twice. You never know ;)

So again, I'm sorry. 2 comments, and I'll update again. Love you guys.


P.S. These updates are dedicated:
Like It Or Leave It