Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

A Treehouse

Angelica's POV;1 Week Later

Dear Diary,

You know, I always though that Bella was over dramatic when Edward left her in New Moon. Every time I though about it, I said to myself that I would never get that sad over a boy, or go that quiet for that long.

Then I met Nick Jonas: the vampire.

It's only been 1 week and I think I've gone insane without him. I never knew that once he left, I would end up like this, like Bella. I've been sitting in my bed, eating. That's it. And every so often I get up to go the bathroom. But other then that, I don't get up. I think my butt is permently glued to the bed. There is no point in getting up. I just wish I knew where he was so I could see his face. I call him but he never picks up his phone.

Please God, I've probably asked you many time for something, but right now, I need this to come true. Please help find Nick. I miss him. I want him.

I need him.

Once I was finish writing in my diary, I looked over it and then threw it on the floor. Seconds later, my hotel door opened and Sara and Jade walked in. They looked really mad.

"Okay Angelica, get up." Sara said stopping right in front of where I was sitting.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"Ang, you've been sitting in this bed doing nothing ever since Nick left. It's only been, like, 3 days." Jade replied.

"You mean like 1 week, 4 hours, and 6 minutes. But who's counting, right?"

They looked down at me with open mouths.

"Okay, so maybe I haven't been doing anything but there is nothing to do. I use to hang out with Nick 24/7, but since he left, I have nothing to do." I replied.

"Maybe you could go search for him. It's better then just sitting in this bed all day." Sara stated sitting down next to me.

"Well, I have no clue where he would be."

"Um, go ask Joe and Kevin. They have to know. They're his brothers." Jade informed.

"Okay, fine. I'll go ask them." I said getting out of the bed.

"Maybe you should take a bath first." Sara suggested.

I looked down at myself and agreed. I went and took a shower and got change. I changed into a Batman sweatshirt and black jeans. I then slid on black converse. I left the room and went next door, to Kevin's. I knocked on the door and then Joe opened it. "Hey Ang. What's up?"

"I have to ask you guys something." I said walking around Joe. Kevin was sitting on the couch watching tv. He looked up and replied "What do you want to ask?"

"Where is Nick?" I asked, looking at both of them.

"We can't tell you. He begged us not to tell you." Kevin said sitting on the couch.

"I have to know. I'm depressed without him." I exclaimed quietly.

"We know. You haven't left you room ever since Nick left. That was like, what, 4 days ago?" Joe retorted.

"No, more like 1 week, 5 hours and 10 minutes. Yeah, more like that." I replied.

They're eyes widen and they looked at each other.

"Maybe we should tell her where he is." Kevin mumbled to Joe.

"We can't. Nick wanted to be alone for a while. He'll be back." Joe mumbled back.

"Come on. She misses him. Nick may need his time away to get his head straight or whatever but a week is long enough." Kevin said louder.

Right after that, Sara and Jade walked in. "We heard you guys. Come on, Joe! Angelica really needs Nick. She misses him really badly." Sara replied looking striaght at Joe.

Joe sighed. "Fine. Angelica, what state are we in?"

"New Jersey." I stated, rolling my eyes.

"He's at Mayberry Park."

"Where is that?" I asked, confused.

"It was an old park we used to play at, Mayberry Park. All the way in the back of the park, was a tree house. From what I remember, some kid along time ago built it and then everyone would use it. When we found it, no one was using it so we used it as our own. We made it into a real life house, with a couch and food. And then we moved to L.A and it has been left there ever since. Nick told me over the phone he was there. But he could have left. I'm not sure." Joe said.

"Okay, but what do you mean 'in the back of the park'?" Jade asked curiously.

"If you go to the swings, right in the middle of the two of them, and just go striaght, then you will end up at the tree house." Kevin stated.

"Okay. Take me there." I said annoyed.

Joe shook his head. "I'm not taking you there. I promised Nick-"

"Oh shut up. I'll take you. It's not that far from here anyway." Kevin retorted, smiling at me.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Kevin and I got in his car. We drove until he stopped. I looked around and didn't see a park; just houses.

"You have to walk from here." Kevin stated.

"Kevin, I don't even know where we are." I replied, annoyed.

"Walk down this street, at the end of it, will be a sign that says 'Mayberry Park'. Go into the park and go to the treehouse."

"Why can't you drive me there?" I asked.

"Nick can sense me. If he does, he might run before you can ever get there."

I sighed and nodded. I got out of the car, and started walking down the street. Then I looked up and saw a sign. As I walked up to the sign, I realize it said 'Welcome To Mayberry Park'. Then, I ran all the way to the playground, where the swings were.

I was out of breath by the time I got to the swings. Man, I need to excerise more.

Once I could breathe again, I went in between the swings and looked up. There's the tree house. Nick has to be there! I slowly started to walk away from the playground. Then I started to jog. I didn't want to run because my feet were killing me.

When I got to the tree house, I saw that there was a latter. I looked up into the hole at the top, and it was opened. I slowly and calmly started to climb up the latter. I poked my head up into the tree house, no one was there. Then, I pulled myself up and into the tree house.

It actually looked pretty good for a tree house. It had a couch, a chair, some posters all over to place, two tables, a rug, a radio and chest. I walked over to the chest and opened it up. Inside was toys of all different types. It even had some game boy color in there.

Wow. Kevin and Joe weren't kidding when they said they haven been here for a while...

"Who are you?" Someone said behind me. I looked up and turned around to the person.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. Sorry I didn't get this out sooner. I was going to put it out yesterday but I lost it. The file that it usually I put it in wasn't there. So I had to retype it. It took all day today so I'm sorry if it has errors and stuff. Please comment. 2 comments and I update. Thanks you guys! I got 3 comments last time. You guys are awesome. Love you <3


P.S like the new layout?

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chasing stars.

P.S.S - Future Me here, I would like to say that I made a chapter on my JBFFA version of this story about Angelica and Nick during this week they were apart. Go read it if you wanna. It's called Dear Diary.