Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Have You Killed Someone?

Angelica's POV;4 Hours Later

We called the police and they arrived in 10 minutes. But, when the police came, so did the news crews. All the local news teams came out, trying to interview us. The police said not to talk to anyone. I was so scared. Everyone in the family knew it was vampires that killed the man, but we couldn't tell the police if they asked. Not like they would believe us, anyway...

One of the police officers, named Officer Johnson, said that we needed to be brought down to the station for questioning. While getting into the car, all these reporters bombarded us with questions.

'Who was killed?' 'Do you guys know him?' 'Did you guys kill him?' 'Do you know who did it?'

Once we were in the car on our wat to the station, I started to choke up. I was trynig to hold it in, I didn't want to cry. I couldn't hold it anymore.

Who would just randomly kill an innocent man? God, I fucking hate vampires...

No you don't.

I jumped up when I heard that voice. I didn't think that. It was like someone was answering my thought. I was really confused I looked around the car. No one spoke. Everyone else in the car were silent.

Maybe that was just in my head...

No, it was me.

There it is again! Who's voice is that?!

It's me. Nick.

I turned to Nick, who was next to me. I looked at him and he smirked down at me.

You can talk to me through me thoughts.



Long story.

Were you able to do this before?

Um, no. I'll explain it to you later.

Okay. Anyway, I do hate vampires.

Then you must hate me.

No, you don't kill random people. Bad vampires, like Dylan and Travis, do. But how could anyone just kill an innocent man? It's just hard to picture someone doing that.

I know, baby. Do you think it was Dylan and Travis?

Of course, what other vampire hates us more than them? Do you think it was them?

Yeah. I couldn't smell any vampire there 'cause of all the blood but I know that they were there. They didn't leave anything there. The police won't find anything.

I was quiet for a moment. I then looked up at him and asked him a question.

Nick, have you ever killed someone?

His eyes widen, and he went quiet. He closed his eyes as tight as they could, and then opened them again. He didn't look at me.

One time. It was when I was a newborn, only a week old. I didn't want to drink blood because I didn't want to admit to being one. Then this one time I saw some guy walking out of alley. I saw him on the news for raping some girl while she was at her home by herself. Then he killed her, and left her there to have her parents find her. I was so thirty and since he didn't deserve to live in my mind, I knocked him out and drank him dry. I didn't mean to drink all of his blood, but I did and I feel so mad at myself for it. I can't believe I killed someone. I disgust myself...

Nick finally looked down at me and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he was going to cry. He had pain in his eyes. He was really upset with himself. I leaned up and kissed his cheek lightly. He looked down at me, confused.

Nick, don't hate yourself. If the guy was a rapist and a killer, he deserve to die.

No one deserves to die, even scum like that. God would have forgave him, and I shouldn't have killed him.

But that is why you are a human. God may have forgave him if he prayed, but humans don't forgive that easily. Don't be mad at yourself. This was his karma coming back and biting him in the ass.

Nick smirked sadly. Then he looked down at me. Do you think differently of me now?

I mean, I would never think of you killing someone. But, actually, no.


No. You're still Nick; the caring, loving guy. I mean, you may have killed someone, but you didn't let that define you. Also, you killed someone who deserved to die. So, no. If I was in your shoes, I would have done the same thing.

He stared at me and a small smile appeared on his face for a moment. I love you. You never judged me, even with all the shit I put you through.

It's because I love you...

He finally smiled and kissed my forehead. After another 10 minutes, we finally got to the station. We were taken into different rooms so they could talk to us privatly. Officer Johnson walked into the room I was in. He sat down across from me and leaned back in his chair. He smirked at me and I raised my eyebrow.

He sighed. "Okay, Angelica. Tell me what events happened before you and Nick went into the room and found the room like it was."

I nodded. "Um, well. Nick, Joe and Kevin played their concert, and I was there the whole time. Once the concert was over, they started to pack up all the stuff-"

He cut in. "What 'stuff' do they put away?"

"Oh, um like, guitars and drums. Their instruments; the boys."

He nodded his head, telling me to continue the story. "So after they packed up everything, which took 3 hours, we all went up to our rooms. Nick saw that our door was opened a little bit so we went into room and looked around. I went into the bedroom and saw everything in there was trashed and the blood on the walls. I went to the balcony and saw the guy's body on the ground. Then we called you guys."

He kept nodding, and wrote some things down. He looked up at me. "Were you with the boys for the 3 hours it took packing things up?"

I nodded. "Can anyone verify that?" He asked.

"Ask any of the boys, or Sara, or Jade. They were there too."

"Did you know the guy who was killed?"

"Probably not. I never saw his face anyway, so mostly likely no. Unless he was our maid or something. Even then, I wouldn't have known him."

"Are you nervous?" He questioned.

"Honestly? Yes. I've never been in a police station before, or ever saw someone dead, so yeah. I'm nervous." I stated, getting annoyed.

He smirked. "You should only be nervous if you're trying to hide something... are you?"

"No. What type of question is that?" I retorted.

"A question that someone that is a person of interest should answer truthfully."

I was shocked. "I'm a person of interest? For this... murder?"

"Maybe. Did you do it?"

I scoffed. "No. I would never kill someone. I don't even like hurting people's feelings, let alone hurting a person physically. Also, I could barely hold back my vomit when I saw all the blood."

"Do you know who did it?" He replied.

Oh yeah! These vampires that hate me! I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to kill me...

"No." I stated quietly.

He wrote a couple more things down. "Okay, you may go. Thank you for your time."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. Thanks you so much for the people that commented. Sorry that this chapter is kind of boring. But I promise drama IS coming. I thought about the next chapter while writing this one so all you have to do is comment and then you'll see what happens next. Well just so you know, tomorrow I'm going to a Jonas Brothers concert. I going to try to update this tomorrow before I go. Well anyway, please comment and rate. Thank you guys for the 33 comments. Love you guys.


Thank you to the people that commented:
change the world ;

Also, if you couldn't tell. Angelica is in the italics while Nick is in the bold.