Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

The Little Girl And The Little Boy

Jade's POV

"Come on Jade. I'm going to bed." Kevin said to me. I got up from my seat and went over to Kevin. He let me go into his bunk first and then he came in after me. He laid down and turned to me. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"I was wondering something." I mentioned to him.

"What?" He asked.

"Why did you pick me; and not Sara?" I replied.

He rolled his eyes and leaned forward and quickly pecked my lips. "That's for another day." He smiled and turned around, with his back facing me.

Oh my God, he kissed me...

I turned around and lightly touched my lips. I smiled, sighed happily, and soon went to sleep.

The Next Day, Angelica's POV

I woke up and felt someone's hand on my waist. Once I realize it wasn't mine, I knew exactly who's hand it was... Nick's.

I turned my head and saw him smiling in his sleep. Sick. He is probably having a dirty ass dream. I laid back down and groaned. Then, he lightly pushed his head into the back of my neck. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Nick, wake up." I whispered.

"Hmmm..." He grunted.

I shoved his hand off me and sat up some. I thought of an idea. Smirking, I went down to his ear and said "Nick..." in a sexy voice.

"Wha?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"...Wake up!!" I yelled.

He fell out of the bed with a soft thump. I started to laughed, and looked down on the floor. He was looking up at me, pissed. All of a sudden, I was pulled out of bed and was pushed right up against the wall next to the bunks. He was right in my face.

"Look, I'm already tired of you and you haven't even been here for 24 hours. Now, don't think just because my brothers are here, that I won't bite into your pretty little neck and kill you. I won't mind, though, I think everyone else will care. But just watch what you do, little girl, you are dealing with a vampire that could easily hurt you. You understand?" He argued quietly, while gripping my forearms.

"I understand competely, but let me tell you something. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. I don't know who you think you are, but just because you are a vampire and you think you are all powerful, don't mean I won't pull out a knife and chop your fucking head off. And while you have your last breath, I will rip your cold, dead, heart out and eat it in your face. Now that may sound like a bunch of bullshit, but trust me. I keep to my word. And you know what, stop talking to me like I'm meat. Watch you say you stupid, ignorant, little boy or so help me God, I will slap you, again. Do you understand?" I taunted just as quietly.

He just looked at me, confused, but still angry.

"Good. Now get out of my face. I'm hungry." I stated, pushing him off of me and walking to the kitchen.

"Hey Angelica, did you get some good sleep?" Kevin asked as I walked into the kitchen area.

I laughed. "Not really, but it's whatever." Nick passed by me and sat down at table next to Joe. I grabbed a bowl and got some cereal.

"Um, I just realized that you guys don't have any clothes to change into today. You can borrow some of ours, but tomorrow we are going to the mall." Kevin stated.

"Why can't we stop at our house?" I questioned.

"We are, like, 20 miles from where we had our last show. We would be late for our next concert if we went back for your clothes." Nick replied, rolling his eyes.

"Cool, I can't wait to go to the mall. Oh, can we buy dresses?" Sara asked, smiling.

"Sure. Actually, I think you guys have to. We are going to an event and you guys can be our dates. So, you guys kinda need dresses." Joe said, smiling back at Sara.

"Great. I hate dress shopping." I mumbled outloud.

"Probably because your fat ass can't fit into anything." Nick mimicked. Joe's eyes widen and he slapped Nick upside his head.

"That's mean, Nick. Stop talking about my little sis like that." Sara replied, hugging me.

"You guys are siblings?" All three Jonas boys asked.

Sara and I agreed. "Yep."

"Shocker." Joe nodded, surprised.

"Yeah. I mean, Sara is gorgeous, and you're... well, not." Nick mused, smirking at me.

"Look, you ain't that pretty yourself. You look like a jack up poodle. I mean your brothers are sexy and you... well, are not." I dejected.

Later That Night; After the Concert

"Um guys, since we have nothing to sleep in, I was thinking. We should borrow something from you to sleep in and wash the clothes we have on now. Then tomorrow we will change back into our clothes and be able to go shopping." Sara told the brothers.

They agreed, nodding their heads. They went and got us some clothes. Nick came up to me and gave me his clothes. He gave me basketball shorts and a t-shirt. After I got changed, he smiled at me and mumbled a 'cute' to me.

He thinks I look cute in this? What?

Honestly, I thought he was going to bitch about me being in his clothes. We went to bed, and Nick didn't touch me at all through the night.
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