Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Someone Better Break You Heart

Today was the day of the event. I was not looking forward to this day, even if I looked good in my dress. I hated getting dressed up and I'm a very shy person. So, going somewhere with hundreds of cameras flashing at me was not a smart idea. But, I knew I had to go. I couldn't stay on the tour bus by myself. And anyway, I had already asked and they said no.

We had an hour until we had to leave. That's when Joe came in the back room (the one where all us girls chilled at) and told us to get ready.

Jade, Sara and I all started to get changed into our dresses and Sara did our make up. Even though I didn't want to wear any, she did put some on me, but not much. When we finally were done, we came out and saw all the boys were ready. They had all black suits on, except with their ties; or in Nick's case, bow tie. The ties they were wearing matched our dress, which I thought was adorable.

Kevin told us what was going to happen at the event. "Okay, so you girls know, the paparazzi are going to ask you questions or yell at you to look at them. Just ignore them. Some of them are very nice, and some are assholes. Ignore the ones that are assholes, and also stay close to us."

We all nodded, agreeing. Then, we all started to head out of the bus. Nick grabbed my hand and then we got into a limo and went the event.

At the Event

When we got to the red carpet, all these lights started to flash. I started to see purple circles that blinded my vision. Then the paparizzi started to scream things to the Jonas Brothers and at us.

'Who are those girls?','What are their names?','Are you dating them?','Over here guys!'

Of course, the boys didn't answer any of the questions. They just looked forward smiled. Well, Joe and Kevin did, Nick wasn't smiling.

"Nick, smile." I whispered into his ear.

"No." He replied quietly back.

"If you don't, I'll scream you're a vampire." I said simply.

He glared quickly over in my direction and then smile showing his teeth. This caused more lights to flash.

"Even though you are a pain in my ass, you look very stunning tonight." He looking at me for a second.

Then, we all went inside.

After the Event

Throughout the whole event, Nick would not stop talking. He had to comment about everything and I hate people who are like that. He needed to know to keep certain things inside his head.

Nick was still going on about some girl, even after we had just got home. "I just don't understand how she could-"

"God Nick, can you shut up for 5 seconds?" I blurted out. I could not take anymore of his babbling.

Nick raised an eyebrow at me. "Excuse me?"

"All night you have been complaining about something at the event. The whole night you were whining about things that you didn't like. Can't you learn how to shut up for more than a second?" I glared at him, getting even more annoyed.

"I have a right to voice my opinion!" He agrued.

"And I have a right to take my foot and shove it up your ass!" I exclaimed.

Nick crossed his arms. "Oh yeah, because that is so lady-like."

"Do you think I care? Not like you know how to treat a lady." I stated, turning my back to him.

"Really? Really? Oh okay, since I know I'm not talking to a lady right now, let me just tell you something. NEWS FLASH ANGELICA. You are a bitch. You think of yourself so highly that you must forget you're not pretty." He yelled.

I turned back to him and both Jade and Sara gasped.

"Yeah I said it. You're ugly. And just so you know, that dress does not even look that nice on you. It makes you look fat -oh, my bad- fatter than you already are." He smirked.

I came up to him and slapped him across his face.

"FUCK YOU, NICK! I know I am not pretty, I know I am fat. And I don't hold myself above everyone else. You might think I do, but maybe you should double check and make sure you're not looking in a mirror. You are the one that has been making fun of me since day one. You treat me like shit and I'm done with it."

The smirked dropped from his face and his eyes widen. I turned and went to the back room. Before I closed the door and yelled out to him one last thing that was on my mind.

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas... I hope someone, some girl, breaks your heart badly because you deserve it. You already broke mine."

Then I slammed the door shut and locked it.
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