Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Meet Desteny and Claire Part 1


Thank you to ImaginativeVampire! The next banner will be by Clairey Cocaine.
The Next Day;Sara's POV

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Um, I was wondering... I know I've only known you for like a month but um, would it be okay if..." Joe trailed off, nervous.

"If what?" I questioned.

"If I asked you to be my girlfriend?" Joe smiled.

I was shocked. "Uh, yeah! Of course! I already counted you as my boyfriend so-"

He uttered, "Now this just makes it more official."

We smiled at each other and hugged. I gave him a kiss. Then we both heard the bus' door open.

"Hey guys! Look who I ran into!" Kevin said walking into the bus with two girls.

"Who are they?" Jade asked coming into the room.

Joe grinned. "These are our old friends, Desteny and Claire. Guys, these are our girlfriends, Sara and Jade."

I looked at both Desteny and Claire. Desteny had very pale skin, like my own, with black hair and blonde bangs. She had pale green eyes and she had on think eye liner. She was wearing a dark grey dress with a white skull on the side of it; and she had on black converse. Claire looked like she had a different style compared to Desteny. Claire had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She also had very pale skin. She was wearing a floral colored dress and black flats. Desteny looked Kevin's age while Claire looked Joe's age. And even though both of the girls were different, the one thing they had in common was that they were both glaring at Jade and I.

Jade and I waved at them and they rolled their eyes, but Joe and Kevin didn't seem to notice.

"Joe and me are going to be right back, we have to go talk to our dad." Kevin said and left with Joe.

"Um, so, w-" Jade tried to say but was cut off by Claire.

"First off, I like to say that I'm Claire and she is Desteny. And the only reason we are here is to get back together with Joe and Kevin." Claire smirked.

Desteny nodded her head, smirking as well. "Yeah. We dated them before you bimbos came along. We think that you girls aren't good enough for them. They deserve real, vampire girls, not stupid humans."

Jade and I were shock. "Well, bring it on. They love us and we love them. And you heard them, we are their girlfriends, and we may not be vampires, but we are better looking then some 14,000 year old vampires." I smiled.

They rolled their eyes and Kevin and Joe came in with Angelica and Nick.

"Hey Angelica, can we talk to you?" I asked Angelica.

"Sure. What up?" I grabbed her hand and we dragged her to the back room.

"Did you see the other girls in there?" Jade asked.

"Yeah. Who are they?" Angelica replied.

"They are Joe and Kevin ex-girlfriends turned friends." Sara said.

"That's the worst type of girlfriend. Always wanting the boys back..." Angelica sighed.

"Yeah, and that's what they said TO US! They said that they deserve real vampire girls. But we totally are going to fight for them." I looked at Jade and we both nodded our head.

Then we heard a knock at the door. Angelica opened the door and Nick popped his head in. "We're all going out to eat, so get dressed."

"Even Claire and Desteny?" Jade asked.

"Yep." Then Nick closed the door.

Angelica's POV

We started to get changed. Once we were done, I looked at our dresses. I was wearing a floral dress with big flowers on it. Then I had on black wedges that I borrowed from Sara. Jade had on a salmon colored dress that at the bottom, turned light and dark blue. She was wearing salmon colored heels as well. Sara was wearing a pink and white striped dress with pink flats.

After we came out of the back room, we went to dinner. The resturant we went to had a dance floor in it. It wasn't a 100% fancy resturant. But, it was fancy enough that you should wear formal clothes. I looked at our table as we sat down. This is how the seating went: Me, Nick, Sara, Joe, Claire, Jade, Kevin and then Desteny.

"So, how have you guys been?" Kevin asked Claire and Desteny.

"Good. We've been letting life flow. You guys?" Desteny replied.

"Wonderful. We met these girls at a concert." Joe said smiling.

Claire rolled her eyes, but didn't let the boys see. "How?"

"Well, Angelica saw Joe... eating, and we took them in." Nick said.

"Oh, okay. Was it love at first sight?" Desteny questioned, smiling at Nick and I.

"Well, for Jade and Sara, but I don't love him." I stated.

Kevin sighed. "Ah, young love. So sweet, so pure. Any one want to dance?"

"Sure, why not? But we don't have anyone to dance with..." Claire pouted, pointing to her and Desteny.

"We'll dance with you and then we'll dance with our girlfriends. Is that alright?" Joe asked, turning to Sara and Jade.

"Um... sure." Sara agreed.

"Yeah. Go dance with them." Jade replied.

"Thank you baby. Love you." Kevin said kissing Jade's forehead.

The guys got on the floor, but as Claire and Desteny got up, they high-fived and smirked at Jade and Sara. Claire went over and danced with Joe, while Desteny danced with Kevin.

"Want to dance Angelica?" Nick asked me.

"Uh, sure. What the hell." I got up and we went the dance floor. Sara and Jade pouted at me, being mad I was leaving them alone. I mouthed 'sorry'. The rest of the time Claire and Desteny were with Joe and Kevin, Sara and Jade glared at them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, so just incase you wanted to know, this is what Desteny and Claire look like, if I didn't describe them well enough

Here is what Angelica, Jade and Sara were wearing:

and this is what desteny and claire wore:

Please keep reading and commenting


PS - part 1 of 3. thank you Claire and Desteny.