Sequel: You Found Me
Status: Finished, but newly fixed!! :DD

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

Meet Desteny and Claire Part 2


Thank you Clairey Cocaine!
Angelica's POV

It has been a week since Claire and Desteny got here, and so far, they have been staying. It's getting very annoying. Well, they're not annoying me, they are annoying to hear about. At the end of the day, Sara and Jade come to me and tell me what they did, how they were annoying, or really anything about them. I don't understand. It doesn't make sense to me that Desteny and Claire cna be so nice to me, but be very rude to Sara and Jade. Jade thinks that the only reason they like me is because I have Nick and they don't want him. Even though that sounds weird, it is starting to make sense to me.

It also upsets me that they are being mean to my friends. Sara is getting tired of them. She said she wishes she could, and I quote, 'push their asses down a flight of stairs'.

I'm going to say, though yall can see, my sister is crazy and a bit dramatic.

Also, I've realized I have been going out with Nick a lot. Not like on dates, but like, he takes me place around the city we are in and he shows me to his friends. And, he hasn't been mean to me in a while. When he isn't being a total asshole, he can be very sweet.

Sometimes I would tell all the girls the things he does for me, and Desteny and Claire would think it is adorable. But when Sara and Jade would agree, Desteny and Claire would just roll their eyes. Is that all they do?

Now, Sara and Jade would get annoyed at Desteny and Claire, but never truly upset. But one day, Desteny and Claire took it too far.

I was sitting in the back of the bus, reading. Then all of a sudden, Sara and Jade ran into the room, crying.

"What's wrong?!" I exclaimed.

"Claire and Desteny!" Sara yelled.

"What did they do?"

"T-t-hey said s-some really m-mean things to us, sayin-g-g that J-Joe doesn't love S-sara or that Kev-in doesn't-t love m-me." Jade cried, stuttering.

I'm going to kill those girls. NO ONE hurts my friends and gets away with it.

"Where are they now?" I asked, angrily.

"Out-t-tside of the bus-s-s." Sara weeped.

"I'll be right back." I got up and went outside of the bus. I saw Desteny and Claire standing there, talking.

"What is your problem?" I yelled.

They turned to me. "Excuse me?" Desteny questioned.

I sighed, annoyed. "What is your problem? Why are you guys so rude to Sara and Jade? What did they ever do to you?"

"They exsisted." Claire said simply.

Desteny nodded. "They took our men away from us."

Do they really want me to list what is wrong with both of those sentences?

"Okay, first off, Sara and Jade didn't come and take the boys from you. They met them, they dated them. We never even heard about you up until a week ago. Until you guys came here. And you know what? Don't talk about the boys like that. They are people, not toys."

Claire rolled her eyes. "Why are you yelling at us? We didn't do anything to you."

I growled. "Oh, yes you did. You made Sara and Jade cry! They are my best friends and they don't deserve that. They love Joe and Kevin. But guess what? THEY BOYS DON'T LOVE YOU. So get over yourself. You aren't getting them back!"

I turned around to go back into the bus. But before I did, they exclaimed, "Wait!"

"What?" I replied, angrily.

Desteny sighed. "We have something to tell you..."
♠ ♠ ♠
part 2 of 3. sorry it isn't that long.