Status: trying T_T

Never Say You're Sorry

Yea And Hell Is Just A Camp Fire

I was walking so fast or at least if felt that way. Everything was blurry and I had no idea where I was going I really didn't care I just needed to get away from HIM, from Jon. I knew this would happen, it always does one way or another no matter what, once someone saw HER they would never ever bother looking at ME.

"You know, I've been thinking and I don't think we're really working out, sugar." My eyes widened as I slowed down. It was Mr. Cool. I must have accidentally grabbed his hand and pulled him with me in my flurry. A blush flooded my skin and this time I felt the heat of it and it burned. I really had to start letting my brain control my body and not my emotions.

"Uh..." was all I could muster. Now that I had got a good look at him I noticed that he was actually not that tall maybe about 5'10" give or take and inch. "I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't realize that I brought you with me." I sniffled a bit more then coughed. I must look pathetic to this guy, here I was a college student crying my eyes out over some stupid boy in public like was some hormonal middle school-er.

"Well I guess you'll have to buy me coffee since you pretty much ruined my attempt back there," was all he said not a hint of amusement or sympathy was in his voice as he walked pass me down the side walk. I didn't know if I was supposed to follow or not.

"I wasn't kidding!" he shouted back at me. I had no idea who this guy was, or why he wanted coffee so bad. There was only one thing I knew for sure, I didn't have a penny in my wallet.


I stared down at the table as Mr. Cool (I had named him, I must be getting attached) got his coffee. I didn't have any money so he ended up paying. We were in a Starbucks at a table that looked like it was made for chess.

"Here," I heard as I came face to, well, cup with a Starbucks logo covered tall coffee. I took it from his out stretched hand and he sat down across from me. "So...," he trailed off failing at his attempt to break the ice.

"Thanks for the coffee," I said quickly, even though I hate Starbucks.

"I'm Jack," he said.

I was shocked. Why would he tell me his name? Should I tell him mine?

"Hi..?" I replied.

"This is actually the part when you reply 'hi my name is "insert name here"," he said using air quotes. Once again I blushed, what was I, 13?

"Uhh yea, um, I'm Madeline," I replied pulling a lock of my short auburn hair behind my ear.

"Well then Maddie, what was all that about," he said leaning back in his chair taking a sip of his coffee. (Maddie?!) I winced how could he drink this watered down version of coffee? "Back at the coffee shop I mean, seemed pretty stupid if you ask me." Talk about blunt.

"The guy that was in the coffee shop is my boyfriend," I could practically feel his eyebrow raise at my replied.

"Well now he's my EX-boyfriend." I felt so stupid, why would I tell this to some random stranger.

"Oh so you guys broke up, bummer," was his nonchalant reply. My blood slightly boiled at his disregard of how much this was affecting me. Today was a long day I was not in the mood to take any one's shit even if it wasn't really shit.

"Don't sound so cool about it maybe YOU don't care when the love of your life walks out on you because he's fallen in love with your SISTER, but let me tell you I sure as hell DO!," I said practically yelling the last part. He just stared at me with cool eyes. I looked around at the mindless consumers of mass production stare at me with a mixture of fear and irritation it varied from face to face.

"What are you lookin' at?!" I yelled once again, like I said I often don't think too far ahead when it comes to where my actions might lead me. I sighed angrily as I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned back in my chair copying "Jack's" position.

"Well I'm really sorry about that," he said leaning forward. "Need a new boy?"A crooked smile spread across his face and his eyes that looked like they were painted black, they were so dark, sparkled. Now truthfully at the time I actually didn't want him, I didn't want anyone. I wasn't really up for endangering my already fractured heart.

"No, no I don't."

"Good cause I wasn't really offering," he said again leaning back smile disappearing in a flash, I hated how he could still look cool after being outright rejected. Despite the disappearance of his smile his eyes were still sparkling alight with amusement. It felt like he was watching me critiquing every move I made and now he was waiting to see what I would do next.

"Oh what you too cool for me?" I said only slightly offended. I tried to look angry but as a smile spread across Mr. Cool's (I like my name better) face I couldn't help but smile a bit as well. Even though he most likely insulted me at least he got my mind off of Jon and Marigold for awhile.

"Well Ms. Madeline I do believe that you should at least get few cool points I'm mean you HAVE had a crappy day," he stood up to leave. "So maybe you haven't gotten a new boy but you've just become cool enough to be my friend."

He smiled again though this one was different, it was a blind-you-so-you-can't-see-what's-beneath-the-surface smile. Jack took out an old beat up phone and handed it to me. I looked at him dumbly.

"Well 'new friend' put in your number," he said with a smile on his face.

"I don't have a cell phone," I replied, I'm a starving artist.

"So just put your in your land-line," he stated matter-of-factly. His crooked smile was practically pushing me to punch the numbers in, so I did, what's the worst that could happen?

I handed him his phone back to him and he continued to smile that crooked smile, I wonder if he practices that one in the mirror.

"You got a pen?" He asked and I fished one out of my large pockets, I always kept random things that I thought I might need in there paper covered straws, plastic knives, a spoon and of course a pen. I like to be prepared. He took the pen and wrote something down on a napkin and placed under the cup of coffee that I had barely even looked at, he chuckled again out of nowhere which threw me off a bit

"Call if you ever get the urge," he called over his shoulder as he turned to walk away. I stared after him confuzzled to bits. I looked back down a the coffee on the table and there on the napkin beneath the cup were seven digits. It was probably for some Chinese restaurant, but I kept it anyway. I coughed again I really did hate the cold.
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Okay so here's another update cause the place i cut off the last one was stupid
also if you see any inconsistencies please please please tell me also im a horrible speller!
i'll try getting pics
and sorry if you like starbucks that's just the way I imagined the character it does not express my personal feeling towards Starbucks!