Status: trying T_T

Never Say You're Sorry

So I'll Pretend that I Don't Care and Maybe Save Us Both Some Face

I'm not a very strategic person, my 7 year old cousin beats me at chess, so it can be assumed that I'm not very good at thinking far ahead. And when I pulled into the parking lot of my shoddy apartment complex I realized just how unfortunate it was to have that particular short coming. It was easy enough to get Jack in to my car because I had two other (larger) people to help get him there but here I was poor little me all alone with a stupid grown man laying unconscious in my car. I was pretty much in for a long night, well its already about 4:00 a.m. so I guess it doesn't really matter now.

"You're a real bitch, you know that?" I mumbled to Jack's unconscious form and for split second I wanted to take it back, because this was when Jack needed me most right? So as a good friend I should be happy to help right?

"But its four-fucking-a.m. in the morning," I whined quite loudly.

"Yes it is and it would be really nice if I could spend it in peace," said my neighbor he's a writer and doesn't sleep much. What was his name again? Peter? Lawrence? Jesus? Gosh I could really care less. Then suddenly an idea came to me.

"Hey Peter?" I said.

"It's Daelyn," he added hardly affected and continued to suck on his cancer stick. I hate cigarettes I swear on my life I will never date a man who smokes.

"Yea uh huh," I mumbled not really caring. I was too busy trying to maneuver 5'9" guy out of the back of my car. "You wanna do me a favor?"

I'm not very strategic but I'm sure as hell lucky because I have a really nice, if not a bit crazy, neighbor.

"Yea sure why not?"

After about 40 minutes, 100 swear words and two cigarettes Daelyn and I got Jack up three flights of stairs and to my front door.

"Okay," Daelyn managed to pant out, "where's your keys." He probably wouldn't have such a hard time breathing if he didn't smoke so much.

"You probably wouldn't have such a hard time breathing if - "

"Yea yea if I didn't smoke so much thanks mom," he said. Creepy its like he read my mind, well either that or he's heard it before. The latter being more likely.

Aw shit I left my keys in my car.

"Hold on I'll be right back 'kay," I said. Daelyn heaved out a great sigh but nodded his head. I really liked this guy, despite being openly reluctant and irritated he still helped me out. That shows character, or stupidity but I like to call it character.

I ran all the way down and was pleased to find that my car had not been totally sacked and my keys resting on the drivers seat. Maybe my luck was turning for the better eh?

I ran about half way up but come on, three flights of stair? Fuck that. I walked briskly the rest of the way up. I was happy to see that Daelyn was still waiting for me when I got there. It was strange that I never really talked to him before. Of course there were the occasional "Hey there"s in the stairway or the awkward silences shared as we waited for our laundry to finish but I'd never really talked to the guy.

"Hey you're still here," I breathed out sounding happier than I meant to. I get happy when people are nice. He didn't have to wait there, he did have to help me, but there he was with a newly lit cigarette that was already half way ash.

"Oh yea well I'm just hanging out here with my new buddy," he mumbled it was a pleasant sound. His voice was soft but was still deep in pitch. He always seemed to speak slowly with a slight slur like he had all the time in the world but that might have just been the lack of sleep. "Let's get him inside yea?"

And that's how I ended up sitting on the floor, talking to my my chain smoking neighbor about cheating bunnies, and Emily Dickenson, with my friend passed out on my couch.

"Yea and then she shanked Mr. Shubs because he's a cheating bastard," I finished feeling triumphant, I mean I was no writer like my new found friend here but I thought it was good story with a very helpful message.

"Interesting," Daelyn chuckled. He looked best when he chuckled, not smiled or smirked or laughed but smiled. This was the conclusion I had come to in the past hour that I'd spent with him. He was of asian decent, in our conversation he told me that both of his parents came to America from Korea before he was born. His parents practically died when he turned down a full ride at Pepperdine to become a drifter and "find himself".

"Yup Shakespear's got nothin' on me," I jeered grinning. He chuckled again and ran his fingers through his hair like it was ink. I really wish I had that hair.

"So are you gonna tell me what your friend here was taking tonight?" Daelyn asked and just like that the whole night came crashing down.
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Okay so i'm not sure if anyone is gonna get this far buuuuut if you have I EFFIN' LOVE
and thank you for reading my story.
I'll try to update and feel free to talk to me anytime at give me advice or flame I don't mind just let me know ur there :)
peace out