Mashed Potatoes

Part 3

David came home after being out with some friends. The clock was 2 in the morning. When they left they had seen Billie teaching his new friend Mike how to play the guitar. Now when David had come home he found them still doing the same thing.
“Hey, Dave, watch what Mike can do.” Billie said to his older brother David when he came into the room he shared with Billie. Mike took Billie’s guitar and played fine songs from the start to the end. After Mike was done Davis said:
“Wow, that’s really good Mike.” Then David turned to Billie.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed? It’s very late.” Billie looked confused at his brother.
“Late? Dude, chill. The clock is just seven in the evening.”
“What? Seven in the evening? Billie the clock is two in the morning.”
“It is?” Billie looked on his alarm clock. Yes, David was right. The clock was two in the morning. The time goes fast then you have fun.
“If you don’t go to bed now mum will become mad at me, it’s my responsibility that you go to bed in time.” David said and looked on Billie with a solemn expression. Then he turned to Mike.
“Mike, you are sitting on my bed” Mike moved from David’s bed and David placed himself in it. He lay down with his face turned to the wall. Mike looked at Billie.
“But David where can Mike sleep?” Billie said to his tired brother. David gave a great yawn and said:
“Don’t know.” Billie came up with an idea.
“Hey, Dave, Can Mike sleep in you old sleeping bag?”
“Yeah, yeah. He can do that. Just let me sleep now.” After that David fell asleep. Billie walked to the closet. He took out an old sleeping bag and gave it to Mike. The sleeping bag smelled like old socks. Mike rolled out the smelly sleeping bag in front of the bedside table between the two beds. Then he put himself in it. At the same time Billie laid down in his bed. Now the both boys realized how tired they where. Billie turned the lights off and both Billie and Mike fell asleep at ones.