He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


The man stood unsure of what to do as his heart thundered in his chest and she lay in front of him screaming in pain. Her eyes met his and her pain became his. What was he supposed to do? For the first time, he felt useless. He could see the pain in his love's eyes and felt his heart breaking.

Suddenly, a new, high pitched scream joined the cacophony of sounds in the room. He felt relief wash through him as he heard a new heart beat enter the room. He grinned and looked back at the girl who he loved. Something was wrong. The light in her eyes was unusually dim. She couldn't leave him, he wouldn't let her. But he knew what was happening.

In his gut he knew she was dying.

In his heart he knew what he had to do.
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Hey, hope you like this new story. It's a bit different to what i normally write, i usually stick to real-life stories but felt like doing a vampire story!! pls comment and let me know what u think!!