He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Keira's POV
Parris led me to a room and threw me inside it. "Welcome to your new home," he snarled and then slammed the door and left me alone. I immediately broke down. I sank to the floor, tears flowing uselessly down my cheeks. I hated crying. It was a waste of energy. But what else was there to do? An idea started forming in my head. It was insane. But it might work...

Jareth's POV
Two days passed and still no one had come to me. My wounds hadn’t gotten any better. They were still open but had stopped bleeding. I was wondering if this Lord Parris was going to make me die of starvation.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Keira. What they were doing to her. Was she safe? Where was she? Was she in a cell similar to this? I couldn’t stop the worry from seeping into my system. Why should I? I was her protector and I had failed her completely. I found myself sinking lower and lower. I knew I had to stay conscious to heal in any way I could, but with my self-loathing came the feeling like I didn't want to heal. I was a failure. Keira was in danger because of me.

20 days after I had been chucked in here I was still hanging on. They had given me some blood from an unconscious human but he had been removed after I had the minimum. It was enough blood to keep me alive. Not enough to help me heal properly. I imagined that Keira was lying next to me. Her smooth skin brushing against mine. Her pulse drumming in her neck. Her smile dazzling me as always. Her scent fogging all my senses. I could remember her scent perfectly. It was as though she was actually right next to me. I breathed deeply. I sat up. It was as though she was actually right next to me.

Keira's POV
"Jareth?" I whispered as I stood outside a dungeon door. There was a shuffle from inside and Jareth appeared at the little window in the brown door.
"Keira," he whispered back. "I'm so sorry. I couldn’t protect you. I'm so, so sorry."
"Don't, Jareth," I whispered. "Please don’t blame yourself. I know you tried. That's all that's important." I felt tears pricking in my eyes. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be alright," he said.
"Jareth..." I said softly. "I'm sorry. I should never have believed he'd set you free. But I was scared. They would have killed you...I don’t know what I would have done without you." I put my hand up to the bars and stroked his cheek softly. He closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. He covered my hand with his. We were silent for a long time.
"I love you, Keira," he whispered and I felt my heart clench.
"I love you, too," I whispered back. "I will help you, I promise. I'll get you out of here."
"I'm only leaving if you come with me," he whispered back.
"I don’t...I won't be able to leave," I said softly.
"Then I'm not going anywhere," he said.
"Jareth, please," I said, tears in my eyes.
"I won't leave you here, Keira." I looked into his eyes and finally nodded.
"I'll try," I whispered. Jareth smiled softly. "You are okay, right?" He nodded tightly which made me suspect he wasn’t. "I'll be back when I can," I whispered and pulled my hand away from his face. Before I could say anything more, I turned and went away quickly, tears in my eyes.

I went back up to my room. Jareth had looked awful. Now that I think about it, he'd never looked how I'd just seen him. I frowned. His eyes were sunken; his skin was pasty under my touch. My eyes widened...they wouldn’t...they'd...I had to get back down to the dungeons. A knock on my door stopped me in my tracks. I didn't reply and Parris came in carrying a bag. I recognised the bag. It was the same one he brought to me every day. "Morning, princess," he said as he set the bag on the bed. I knew better than to run away from him. My first couple of attempts had nearly ended with me having a broken arm or leg. I wasn’t about to anger him. I went and sat on the bed and closed my eyes. I heard the bag open and he took out the usual needle. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. I felt him take my arm and I felt a pressure on the inside of my elbow. He took enough of my blood to make me faint. I fell back onto the bed in a world of blackness. How was I going to save Jareth if I was constantly being drained of my blood?

Jareth's POV
That same afternoon her scent suddenly flooded my senses. I sat up. She was back. I went to the door and saw her outside the door. She smiled up at me. I knew something was wrong. "Jareth," she whispered, her voice shaky. She put her arm through the bars again and stroked my cheek. The contact was so welcome. "Jareth, bite me," she said softly and I reeled back, away from her. "I know you need blood, now take it. It's the only way to save you," she said. Her voice was still weak but there was conviction in it.
"I can't," I said softly and I saw her frown.
"Jareth," she said, frowning and leant against the door for support. I stepped back to the door.
"Keira, what's wrong?" I asked, holding her hand tightly. She squeezed it back but with not much strength.
"Nothing," she said. "Drink." She moved her wrist in front of my face. My mouth was suddenly dry with the thought...
"No," I said. "I won't."
"Jareth, please, I have to save you," she whispered, her eyes closed, seeming to put all her energy into standing and talking.
"What did they do to you?" I whispered, staring at her face in concern. If they'd laid a finger on her...
"Jareth, drink!" she ordered, pressing her skin against my lips. I lost control. I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t stop. I sank my fangs into her skin and her blood filled my mouth.

It was so much better than I had ever imagined it to be. Roses...strawberries...and so much more. I sucked her blood greedily. I heard a gasp vaguely but it was in the back of my mind. However, when her arm suddenly went slack in my hold I pulled back. My wounds had all completely healed now. I had all my strength back. Keira, on the other hand, had slumped down to the floor. "Keira..." I whispered, fear rising in me. I hadn’t taken that much. Certainly not enough to make her pass out. I let go of her hand and her arm slithered back through the window and she disappeared. "Keira!" I shouted. She moaned and I saw her roll over on her side. Out of the way of the door. I kicked out hard. The door shattered right down the middle.
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ok, so i haven't updated in what feels like forever.
sorry, you guys.

comments = love!!!