He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Jareth's POV
They were all looking at me. I had to speak. I didn't want to. I opened my mouth and then shut it. "Jareth," a voice said softly. I looked up and met Keira's beautiful blue eyes. I started to speak. The images came back into my head. Clear. Fresh.
I ran to Keira. She was still breathing. She was ghost white. She had lost too much blood. I knew it wasn’t all me. I really hadn’t taken much. I picked her up gently in my arms. Scared I would hurt her. I tried to wake her up. She wouldn’t. Her eyes remained closed. Her skin remained pale. I could feel her heart beat slowly. No! She couldn’t leave me. Not like this, not because of me! I lay her back on the floor. "Keira," I said softly. Her eyelids fluttered.
"Jareth," she whispered, her voice no more than a sigh. "I love you."
"NO! Keira, stay with me!" I shouted.
"Kiss me, please," she whispered. I felt tears pricking in my eyes. I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her gently.
"Keira, you can't leave me," I whispered to her, cradling her in my lap. "Please." Her eyes shut, her breathing stopped. I could still hear a faint heart beat. In a quick moment I made a decision. The decision that I knew would probably get me killed. My fangs extended, I cut a jagged line across my wrist and held it to Keira's mouth. The blood filled it, travelled down her throat. Her heart stopped. I tensed. I couldn’t have lost her. "Keira!" I cried. I hugged her to me tightly. Not knowing what to do now. How would I live without her?

I sat there for what felt like an eternity. Then I heard something. A soft sound of air. I looked down at Keira. She was breathing. "Keira," I whispered, brushing her hair away from her face. She was asleep, but she was alive. Nothing would stop me now. I picked her up again. I ran up the stairs. Two vampire guards tried to stop me but I snapped their necks and they were dead. Nothing would stop me. Nothing. I killed about 10 vampires, not letting go of Keira, protecting her with my life. I got out of the castle and killed another two guards and then we were free.

I ran back here as fast as I could. Faster than I had ever run before. We got back to her parents' house and I went straight up to her room and lay her down. She was still out cold. I frowned with worry. I brushed her hair out of her face. She had to wake up. She had to...

I finished my story and then looked at the people I was most afraid to look at. They, however, did not look angry. I looked at Ahnah first; she had tears in her eyes and was smiling slightly. I looked at Cain second; he had a darkness in his eyes, but he was also looking relieved. I looked at Keira last, not wanting to see her hate for me, which was sure to be there. I met her gaze and saw nothing but love. She didn't hate me. She knew what I had done but she didn't hate me. I smiled unsurely and she smiled back. I had turned her into a vampire and she was smiling at me...
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sorry for the extremely short chapter!!!
I hope you like it.
comment! I'd love to hear what u think!!