He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Keira's POV
He had turned me into a vampire...? I knew I should be angry, upset, scared. I wasn’t. He had saved me. I was going to die. I had died. He brought me back. He saved me. I leant forward and, despite my parents being there, kissed him with all of my love and tenderness. I pulled back and smiled at him. "You...don't hate me?" he whispered. I shook my head.
"I could never hate you," I whispered back. "You saved me." And now, I thought to myself, now I am a vampire, I can be with Jareth for the rest of eternity. I turned to my parents after a long while and they both smiled.
"It seems, Jareth, that we are even more in your debt than I originally thought," my father said. "Not only did you save her, but you brought her back from death. You truly are the best body guard I could have chosen for my daughter."
"With all due respect," Jareth said hesitantly. "I didn't do it because it was my job. I did it because I love you daughter. More than life. I would do anything to save her." I smiled and turned to him. He smiled at me softly.

My parents and Jareth left me alone after a while. I lay back on the pillows, thinking. Jareth loves me. He turned me into a vampire. I can be with him forever. I smiled to myself. Being a vampire wouldn’t be a bad thing as long as I had Jareth with me.

Jareth's POV
Cain motioned for me to follow him to his study. I did, unsure of what would happen once we got there. Cain motioned for me to sit down and I did. He sat on a sofa with Ahnah next to him. There was a silence and I realised what Cain was waiting for. "Initially, I would have asked you if I could have you permission to go after Parris. I thought that was the only thing I wanted from you. I wanted to kill him with a passion, to get revenge for what he did to Keira. But...then I started thinking. There is something else I would ask of you. Keira. I love her so much, I want to protect her forever, but not because it is my job. I want her to be mine and only mine. I want her as my wife." I looked away from Cain's expressionless face and looked at Ahnah. She was beaming.
"Jareth," Cain said and I turned back to him. "I am going to grant you your first request." I felt my heart sink, he didn't want me to have Keira. "I will, however, grant you the second request, on one condition," he said.
"Name it," I said immediately and Cain smiled at my eagerness.
"That Keira says yes to you," he said. "I will not give my daughter away to just anyone. You are my best, most loyal guard, and I would say my best friend. I don’t think there is anyone better for Keira. But in the end, this is her choice." I stared at him for a second and then grinned. He was going to let me have both requests. He will let me have Keira. I stood and hugged him, despite the fact the he was the Lord. He hugged me back. Then Ahnah hugged me.
"Go to her," she smiled and I was gone.

Keira's POV
There was a knock at the door. I sat up, about to call out for them to enter, but Jareth had already come into the room, shut the door and was sitting next to me on the bed. I grinned at him and he smiled back. He looked happy, beyond happy, just like I was feeling. "I love you," he said after a long while.
"I love you," I smiled. I moved slightly at sat next to him on the edge of the bed. "I love you so much." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"I love you more," he whispered and I smiled, knowing we could go round and round in circles from here. He put his fingers on my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. He smiled softly and kissed me. He pulled away too soon. "You really aren’t mad at me for turning you?" he whispered, uncertainty in his voice.
"I promise, I'm not mad," I whispered back. "I can be with you forever, now." Jareth smiled and slipped out of my arms and knelt on the floor in front of me.
"Keira, I love you so much," he said softly and my eyes widened. "I've spent the last 20 years looking after you, protecting you from a distance, but I want to watch over you for the rest of my life. I want to be with you always. You gave me your blood to save me. I want to spend my life with you forever, make sure no one ever does anything to hurt you ever again. I love you. Will you be mine? Will you marry me?"
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oooo, cliff hanger!!!

sorry for the long wait, iv had sooo much going on and everythings complicated at the moment. But don't worry, i have now written the end to this story, so it won't take as long to update anymore.

i'm still debating my next story...I'm suffering from writer's block... :-(

as always, love to hear from you!! pls comment!!