He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Jareth's POV
Going with Cain into battle reminded me of the old times, before he had Ahnah, before he had Keira. I knew I wouldn’t be doing this again. As Cain had chosen to have a family, I have made the same choice. And I didn't regret one bit of it. I saw the Leyak castle approaching and hatred gripped my heart. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Easy, you'll get your revenge," Cain said softly. I swallowed my anger and nodded once. He was right, I couldn’t let my anger control me.

There were about 750 vampires in front and behind of us. The army and more. The Leyak were going to pay for stealing out princess and pay dearly. I knew that the Leyak army had to be about 300, if that, so we were easily going to win this fight. I wasn’t bothered about any of them, I was just interested in Parris. I knew Cain had wanted to get rid of Parris, but he'd seen how desperate I was about killing him myself and so had allowed me that pleasure. Our vampires stormed the castle. They knew the rules, kill anyone but Parris. I went to the main hall. There he was, sitting on his 'throne' staring at me. The doors slammed behind me. It was just him and me...

Keira's POV
I ran downstairs to find my mother. She was in the living room, looking as worried as I felt. I went over to her and she hugged me tightly. Ii was beyond worried about my father and Jareth. They had to be alright. They HAD to be. "When did they leave?" I asked her.
"As soon as the sun set," she said softly.
"Why didn't he wake me...?" I whispered. My mother didn't reply, knowing I wasn’t really looking for one. I had been talking to myself. I wished he had woken me. I could have tried to convince him not to go. I could have... I shook my head, knowing that no matter what I had done, he would have still gone. Not waking me up was probably better, it saved me having to see him walk away. I smiled softly, he was so amazing. Just that gesture made me love him more.

Jareth's POV
I stared into his red, cold eyes. He snarled at me, aware he was going to lose the battle. I felt my fangs growing in anticipation of getting revenge for what he did to Keira. In a flash he had thrown me to the floor after a hard punch to the gut. It didn't faze me, not at all. I had a mission to do and I wasn’t leaving until I did it. I punched him hard in the jaw. He whirled back, snarling at spitting. I watched him intently, knowing he could recover quickly and attack in a blink of an eye. I saw him tense and I quickly ducked out of his hit. He snarled in anger as he realised that I was more of a fighter than he had first assumed.

He went over to the wall and picked something flat up off the shelf. My eyes narrowed as they regarded the sword in his hand. The only way to kill a vampire. Take its head off. He was in front of me in an instant, smirking and then he lowered the sword towards me. I moved sideways but the sword still got my arm. It was a bad gash, and I knew I couldn’t recover from it easily. I needed blood and I had no source. I snarled in anger and moved in a flash of lightning and hit Parris hard in the stomach and then in the jaw. The force of the hit sent him flying back wards...the sword coming out of his hand. We both watched the sword fly and then land half way between us. We looked at each other in a tense moment and then we both moved. There was the scratching, grating sound of metal scraping against stone. The flash of metal caught my eye as the sword made a circle over head. Then it started its decent. I closed my eyes...
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pls comment!! i want to know what you all think!!

and i've started a new story. it's a jonas brothers fanfic, not my normal sort of thing, but i like that story so give it a try!!