He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Keira's POV
"How long are they going to be gone?" I asked my mother who shrugged. I noticed she was not the talkative type at all. It must be my father who I get it from. I looked at the sky. It was still dark but it was not as black as it had been an hour ago. Dawn was coming. My heart had been hammering in my chest all day. I hadn’t moved from the living room and neither had my mother, we were both stuck in a cocoon of worry.

A sudden wind rustled my hair and my mother stood up, eyes wide. I looked at her. "What?" I asked her. She looked at me and then towards the door. I turned and saw my father standing there, covered in blood but alive. I smiled and then froze. Jareth? My father looked concerned. The scent of Jareth's blood suddenly hit me. I ran at the speed of light up the stairs to my room. Jareth was on the bed. Alive. He was fine except from nasty bruises on his face and a long, deep cut on his arm. I went over to him and sat beside him. His eyes opened and he smiled at me. I looked at his arm. It was deeper than I had thought. I could see the bone and beyond it. Whatever had cut him and only just not gone all the way through his arm. "Jareth...?" I whispered.
"He's gone...he...won't hurt you...again," he said. I frowned at him. Surely he could heal from this? He'd lost too much blood. I rolled up my sleeve.
"Drink!" I said forcefully. "Now!" He looked at the vein in front of him and licked his lips. His fangs grew and then dug into my wrist. I gasped in pain but didn't take my eyes off of Jareth's face. I saw the frown disappear and a serene calm washed over him. His good hand clamped around my arm and held me to him tightly. I looked down at his bruises, they had all nearly vanished. I looked at his arm, it was closing slowly. I stroked his hair softly. "Don't stop," I whispered. "Take what you need." I felt him pull at my wrist fiercely and he moaned. I watched the wound at his arm slowly close up completely. As soon as it had Jareth pulled his head back, gasping for breath. He looked at me and smiled. His grip on my arm tightened and he pulled me down over him and he kissed me passionately. I could taste my blood on his tongue but I didn't care. I pulled back, out of the intense kiss. I leant my forehead against his. I lay down next to him and he held me to him tightly. "Jareth," I whispered after a while. I leant up on my elbow and looked down at him. "Why didn't you drink when you were there? If you'd lost much more blood..." I trailed off, not wanting to think about it.
"I wouldn’t take anyone else's blood. My blood saved you, I wanted your blood and only your blood to save me," he said. I smiled at him and shook my head.
"That was risky," I said softly but couldn’t help but be touched by the love in his voice and the idea.
"I would have no one else," he said. "I refused. Your father wasn’t too happy..." I smiled at him.
"You're such an idiot," I said after a long silence. He looked mock hurt. "A romantic, but an idiot," I smiled. He grinned and leant up and kissed me deeply.

We were silent for a long time. "Did you like your rose?" he whispered after a long silence. I smiled and nodded.
"I did, thank you," I said.
"That's what you smell like, roses and strawberries," he whispered as he buried his face in my hair. I giggled slightly. I moved closer to him and inhaled deeply as I rubbed my cheek against his.
"You smell like...there isn’t a word, but I'm addicted to it," I whispered in his ear and he chuckled slightly.
"Addicted, are you?" he asked, rolling on top of me.
"100% addicted. I can't get enough," I smiled and he kissed me once. I pouted when he pulled away and he smirked slightly and he kissed me again. "Still not enough," I whispered when he pulled back and he laughed lightly.
"Darling, we have the rest of eternity for you to get your fill," he smiled down at me.
"It still won't be enough," I smiled and rolled on top of him and kissed him again.
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one more chapter...and it will be very short, like the prologue.
hope you like the story!!
i'd love to hear what you think.