He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Jareth's POV
"Look," I said, running my hand through my already messy hair. Keira's eyes followed the movement. I swallowed hard. "Look, there are some things you need to know. About who you are...where you come from." She frowned again but I could sense that she was interested in what I had to say.
"My parents?" she whispered and I nodded. "Do you know them? Who they are?" I nodded again and she sucked in her breath. Keira had been raised by a foster family. I had always been around, making sure she was safe. I knew Keira loved her foster family, but she always wondered about her real family.
"I'm to take you to them," I said finally. "You...are not a normal child, Keira. You are special, unique." I paused, trying to think of how to do this. "Tell me, do you believe in...vampires?" She frowned at me for a long while and bit her lip.
"I...don't know..." she said.
"They believe in you," I said, watching for her reaction. Her head snapped up and her gaze met mine. I saw her eyes widen and take in my red eyes.
"No," she whispered and stood up and started to back away from me. "This is...ridiculous...impossible..." Despite her fear, she was curious and kept her eyes on me. She looked me up and down and shook her head. "You can't be a...a..."
"Vampire," I said helping her and she swallowed.
"They don’t exist," she said softly. "They're not real...fantasy..."
"I assure you," I said patiently, "they, we, are very real." She stared at me, shaking her head.
"What do you want?" she whispered, all of her fear showing.
"I don’t want anything," I said. "I protect you from those who do want something. Who want you." A voice in my head whispered, you want her, too, but for another reason. I blocked it out and focused on her. I watched her back away further until her back met the wall and she slid down it and sat. I saw her mind racing, trying to think. "Your parents are vampires," I said softly and I saw her shake her head. My keen sense of vision saw a tear trickling down her face. My heart ached for her. I wanted to go to her and wrap my arms around her. Keep her safe. With me. I didn't move.

"You are the only child that has been born through a vampire and a human mating. You are special." She stared at the floor so I continued. "Nearly 22 years ago, Cain, the vampire Lord, fell in love. With a human girl. He refused to change her. He refused to drink from her. His love for her was too strong. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, hurt her. Nearly 22 years ago, his human girl became pregnant. No other vampire couple had ever conceived, let alone a vampire and a human. You were born. Your mother almost died during the birth. Cain was forced to turn her. You, however, were born a human, into a vampire world. They couldn’t keep you. It was too dangerous. They wanted you to have a life, a normal, human life." It was silent for a long time while she digested the information I'd just piled upon her.
"Why do I need a protector? If I was to have...a normal, human life?" I heard her whisper.
"You are princess to the vampire world. You have unique genes. You are a mix of vampire and human. If a certain vampire found you, you would be dead. There is a race of vampires, not under your father's control. The Leyak. They would use you to help breed more vampires, natural born vampires..."
"But...I'm not a vampire..." she whispered again. I paused before telling her the next piece of information.
"No, you're not..." I said and I heard her small intake of breath.
"But..." she said in barely even a whisper.
"But, it is thought that when you reach the age at which your father was turned, you will turn naturally," I said and I heard her let out a soft whimper. My heart lurched. It took all my self control to stay put.
"I'll become...a...a..." she trailed off.
"Vampire," I said, helping her again. I saw her shiver even in this dark light. I wasn’t sure if she could see me. I stood hesitantly and she made no movement to suggest that she knew I was silently moving towards her.

I sat down next to her. She didn't react which made me believe she had known all along I was moving to her. "Why have you been protecting me?" she whispered. I frowned. Hadn't I just told her?
"Vampires want you," I said and she shook her head.
"Why you," she asked.
"I was your father's top bodyguard," I said quietly. "He wanted you under the best protection. He made me protect you." I haven’t been home in 20 years. Tonight I would be. I wondered if it had changed. I suddenly stiffened. I looked down at Keira who was resting her head against my shoulder. I couldn’t move. I could still see the tracks her tears had made down her cheeks. I didn't know what to do. I started to relax as I listened to her calm heart beat. Then I stiffened for another reason.

I stood immediately, leaving Keira unsupported. I heard her soft cry of surprise as she fell sideways. I didn't turn round to check on her. "What-"
"Shh," I said softly and she quieted. I flared my nostrils, trying to pinpoint the new scent. It was just outside the barn. They'd followed us. There was only two of them, I knew I'd be able to handle two. I glanced at Keira quickly and then two dark skinned vampires entered the large barn. I snarled at them and they snarled back.

Keira's POV
I sat frozen as two men walked into the barn. I saw Jareth tense, ready to fight. My eyes widened as I saw fangs grow in his mouth. I pressed myself into the wall, desperately wanting to run away from all this craziness. All of a sudden Jareth pounced. He took the one of the left first. I looked at the other one; he was staring, hissing, at me. I met his eyes. They were black. He started walking towards me and I felt my heart race. I couldn’t move. Suddenly the man was tackled to the floor. Jareth was on top of him. I looked away and heard a sickening crack. I closed my eyes and I could feel myself shaking. There was a silence and Jareth said, "Keira, get up, we have to go." I opened my eyes and hesitantly looked at him. His fangs had disappeared, back to the normal length. His eyes were still red, but I knew they were that way due to the dark. "Keira!" he shouted, dragging me out of my thoughts about his eyes. I stood up and he immediately took me into his arms again. "Hold onto me tightly," he whispered and he started running. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, as he'd told me to do. I could feel his muscles in his chest and arms pressed against me. I could smell him. He smelled so good. I tried to remind myself that he was...a...vampire. It didn't work. He was still as appealing to me as ever. I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest. I never wanted him to let go.
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