He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Keira's POV
He put me down a long while later. The moon was high above us so I guessed he had been running for an hour, maybe more, but he didn't look tired. He looked down at me and met my eyes. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. "Jareth?" a voice said behind us. I turned and saw a woman running to us. He grinned and took her into a hug. I frowned, jealousy rising in my chest. I shook the feeling away. I had no right to be jealous over Jareth. So he'd spent the last 20 years protecting me, it doesn’t mean anymore than a job to him. He pulled away and smiled. "What are you doing back here?" Jareth turned and looked at me. He moved to my side and took my hand in his. The woman followed his gaze, eyes wide. "Is...is this..."
"Selena, meet Keira," he said. "Keira, this is my sister, Selena." His sister? I laughed to myself and then smiled at her. She returned it.
"I've heard so much about you," she smiled. "My brother is quite infatuated with you. He-"
"We should be going," Jareth interrupted. I could feel the blush on my cheeks. He was infatuated? With me? "We have to go and find her father." Selena nodded and then smiled at me again.
"I'll see you soon, I'm sure," she smiled and then walked away.
"Erm...come on," Jareth said and he led me towards a pair of large, wooden doors. I looked at him and saw he looked slightly uncomfortable. I smiled slightly.
"You're not embarrassed, are you?" I asked him. He looked at me, smiling slightly.
"Me? Never," he smiled and I smiled back. It felt so easy being with him. I knew I should be wary, at least looking at where we were, but I couldn’t help but feel safe with Jareth.
"If my sister had said that...I would be," I continued. He smirked slightly but stayed silent. I could tell he was pleased I was being my normal self again. My normal, happy, cheerful self. I felt like I could be that person with him. I felt like that's what he would want me to be.

Jareth opened the large doors and we went through. The hall on the other side was lit with candles. I looked at Jareth and saw his eyes were amber again. I looked away. I'd seen what I had been looking for; those eyes I couldn’t stop thinking of. "Who's there?" a large man said as he entered the room. He had black hair, similar to my own. He was holding the hand of a beautiful young woman. She had striking blue eyes, identical to my own. His eyes landed on me and both man and woman stopped still. I felt my heart race in my chest. I was looking at my parents.
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extremely short update...sorry. but i hope you liked it anyway. i'll try and update again soon!!
ugh, im disgusted at how short this is...