He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Jareth's POV
I stood waiting for Cain or Ahnah to say something. No one said anything. I could feel Keira's wonder, fear, confusion, joy... I cleared my throat after a long while a Cain looked at me. "They had found her. They were stalking her," I said by way of an excuse as to why I'd brought her back. I saw fatherly worry enter his eyes.
"Well done, Jareth. Thank you," he said and I nodded. I knew I was dismissed. I glanced at Keira who was still looking at her mother and father. I wanted to say something to her. Something reassuring, but the presence of her parents, especially her father, unsettled me. I squeezed her hand which I only just realised was in my hand and had been since I put her down when we arrived. She turned to me and smiled softly. I smiled back, reluctantly pulled my hand out of hers and left.

Keira's POV
I didn't want Jareth to leave me. I knew he had been asked to leave by the tone in the man's voice. He wasn’t much other than I was; only about 26. But he held himself the way an older, wiser, more experienced man would. It was the woman I couldn’t take my eyes off. She was beautiful.

As soon as the door shut behind me she detached herself from the man and walked over to me and immediately hugged me. I was slightly shocked but wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. I closed my eyes and leant against her shoulder. I was hugging my mother. She pulled back after a long while and I saw tears in her eyes. She smiled at me and then turned to the man. At first he had looked scary, threatening, but now he looked happy. He smiled at me, walked over to me and took me into his arms. I hugged him back. I was hugging my father. I pulled back and was shocked to see tears in his eyes as well. I looked at them both and smiled unsurely. "You're home," the man said and I smiled more surely, tears forming in my own eyes.
"You're finally home," the woman said softly.

Several hours later I was sitting in a large room filled with sofas and chairs and a grand piano in the corner. "Who plays?" I asked, wanting to know where I got my music from.
"I do," said my father. I looked at him and smiled.
"Me, too," I smiled and he grinned. The man who I had immediately been frightened of had disappeared, only to be replaced with a man who was pleased to have his daughter back.
"Keira, did anyone hurt you? Did any of them find out? Come to you?" my father asked.
"No," I said, frowning slightly. It was still all a bit...overwhelming. My parents were vampires. Vampires were trying to find me. Vampires had been stalking me. "They just phoned me. They kept asking me to meet them...they asked me to meet them in the park at midnight most days..." I saw my father frown.
"Did you tell Jareth this?" he asked and I shook my head.
"I only met him two nights ago..." I said. "And he didn't stay long anyway..."
"He came into your room?" my mother asked and I nodded, frowning at her tone. I looked back at my father who was looking slightly angry. I suddenly realised what they were thinking.
"He didn't do anything..." Suddenly the dreams I had had jumped into my head. He hadn’t done anything...had he?
"He still came in...he knew the rules," father said and I frowned slightly. I was suddenly exhausted. It was about 3 a.m. by this time and I felt it was only right for me to be tired.
"Erm, can I go get some sleep?" I asked them quietly.
"Of course," father said and then turned to my mother. "Show her to her room?" My mother nodded. "I'm going to find Jareth."
"No," I mumbled. "He didn't do anything wrong." I was dismissed and then he walked out of the room quickly.
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I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!