He Will Protect Her, She Will Save Him


Keira's POV
A month after I first arrived I was finally feeling like I was at home. Everyone treated me as if I had always been there, Jareth, however, was being his usual distant self. The first few days he had been amazing, someone who I knew I would fall in love with easily. Then he changed. It started when I kissed him, but he just...separated himself from me. Despite this, I was still falling for him. Hard and fast.It was just a matter of time before I was completely in love with him.

Every day at dawn I hoped he would come to me, like he used to do. I wanted him. He never came. Then one night, just before dawn, I heard the balcony doors open. I sat up, the blanket falling away from my chest, only covered in a lacy bra. "Jareth...?" I whispered. The person came into the light and my heart leapt. It wasn’t Jareth. I'd never seen this person before.
"Sorry to disappoint," he sneered. I knew this voice. Fear gripped my heart. I was frozen.
"What...what do you want?" I whispered, regaining use of my body. I pulled the blanket back up to cover myself. He smirked.
"You," he said, still standing by the doors. "Your blood." He stared at me and I knew he could see my fear. His fangs were long. That wasn’t why I was scared. After several months, I finally had a face to put to the voice that had been stalking me. This person had been following me.
"Who...are you?" I whispered.
"Parris," he said. "Lord of the Leyak. We need you, princess." He moved, fast as lightning, to the side of the bed and grasped my wrist. I tried to fight him off but he was too strong.
"No!" I shouted, using all my strength to pull away. I couldn’t. This was a vampire. He pulled me over his shoulder, still wrapped in my sheet. "No! Put me down! Get off!" I cried but nothing happened. He walked toward the balcony and jumped off. "Jareth!" I screamed as loud as I could. "JARETH!!" Then we were moving, too fast to be seen as more than a blur.

Jareth's POV
I was on the intruder's tail. I silently thanked Keira for having her beautiful scent. I would follow it to the ends of the earth to save her. To protect her. Not just because it was my job. No, it was much more than a job to me now. She was much more than a job to me. She was my life, my love. Her screams had cut into my heart. I had once again been forcing myself to stay in my apartment rather than going to her. Her fear had been like a steak to the heart. It had almost killed me.

This vampire was fast. He was not, however, any faster or slower than me. We were equal and no matter how I tried to catch up, the distance between us always stayed the same. I couldn’t lose her...

I tracked her scent all the way to a large building. It could easily pass for a castle. It was well guarded. Not well enough. I stealthily ran passed the guards, keeping Keira's scent in focus. I followed her inside. Something felt wrong. I followed her into the hall, ready to fight anyone to get her back. Something was wrong. I had been blind to see it. It had all been too easy. I realised my mistake too late. I saw the group of warrior vampires swarm around me. And now I was trapped.