My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon

If I'm Not Smiling Your Coffee Is Free.

I sighed, leaning against the counter of the cafe where I worked. Rarely did someone come during the night shift, mostly just quiet customers for a late coffee. Sometimes a group of drunk boys came in after a night at the bar. I always rang Matt if that happened, and he came every time.

The late night shift was always only covered by one person but generally it was a boy, considering the danger. But Claire and I worked nights. I worked late on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thrusdays and I had Friday to Monday off. It wasn't a get rich quick scheme but it was routine for me.

Claire and I were close, we shared an apartment with Matt. He wasn't a boy next door guy, but you could depend on him for helping you out. And he constantly had a girlfriend, they loved his boyish charm.

Wiping up counters wasn't my idea of a great time but I had my iPod and sketch pad to keep me happy.

I took a last look around the room, checking for forgotten mugs and cups. Happy that I had finished my duties I sat down at the counter, placing my iPod in my ears and taking my sketch book from my messenger bag.

I worked the night shifts mostly so I could be alone sometimes, it's relaxing to be able draw without disruptions. Mostly I drew people.
During the day I sometimes sat in the park drawing passers by, but on night shifts I drew people without faces, identities concealed.

Tonight was no different, I drew a little girl, and I quickly shaped her into my favourite character, Emily the Strange. Drawing all four cats kept me occupied for a while.

I jumped. Someone had tapped me on the shoulder.

Removing my speakers from my ears I looked up.

'Hiya!' a voice greeted cheerfully.

Standing in front of me appeared to be an overly hyper boy, accompanied by another two overly hyper boys already seated at a table, and I assumed they were here for caffiene.

'Hello,' I replied cautiously.

'I'm Pete! Don't worry, I'm not smashed,' the boy laughed. He had dark hair and light brown eyes. 'So what's your name?' he asked boldly, checking for a name tag, but I wasn't wearing my uniform. I never did on nightshifts, my boss never caught me.

I looked back at the other guys, who seemed interested in how well Pete was doing.

'Sorry, I don't give my name to strangers,' I smiled sweetly.

'But I told you, my name is Pete. See, we are no longer strangers. Now, what's your name?'

'Who defined aquantinces as introductions?' I shot back. 'What can I do for you?'

He smirked at my choice of words.

I rolled my eyes, walking towards the now laughing boys.

'What can I get you?' I asked.

'Hi, I'm Brendon,' the one with messy dark hair and big brown eyes replied, with a wink and a seductive smile.

'Sorry sweetie, you're way too young for me,' I told him, laughing.

Pete and the other unknown boy erupted into roars of laughter.

Brendon sighed. 'I'm crushed,' he replied dramatically, hand on heart, 'and can I have a...'

About thirty seconds of silence passed and the second boy sighed. 'I'm Patrick. Sorry about him. Can I have a frappachino, please?'

'Oh, I want one too! With cream!' Brendon finally decided.

'You got it,' I told them.

When I turned around I walked straight into Pete.

He caught me and held me up, although I wasn't unbalanced.

He didn't let go of my arms. 'So, you gonna let me know your name?'

'Nope. You gonna let go of me?'


'Pete, let her go,' Patrick told him.

'Not until I get her name.'

I just smiled. 'Nope.'

He pushed me against the wall, his hands pressed either side of my head. 'Name,' he commanded.

'No...' I sang, teasing him.

'Dude!' Patrick exclaimed.

'Fine,' he relented, dropping his arms.

Brendon laughed. 'She's tough!'

I went to make the frapps.

'So, Bonny, can I have a frapp? Or am I too bad?' Pete asked from the bar stool at the counter while Patrick and Brendon talked softly.

'Bonny?' I questioned.

'Yup. Bonny means pretty. I still don't have a name to call you.'

'Ugh,' I muttered.

'Don't be like that. I've never had this before.'

'What?' Brendon asked.

'No name. Hard to get, yes. But no name? Never.'

When I had given them the cups they decided to leave.

'I'll be back,' Pete smiled brightly. 'You'll see,' he said more threateningly.

I laughed.

'Dude, she just laughed!' Brendon exclaimed, 'she's totally softening!'

I punched in the arm as he passed.