My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon

Ain't No Sunshine.

By the time I woke up the next day Matt had told Claire all about my mysterious customer.

'Okay, Matt's gone, what the hell happened last night?' Claire ambushed me as I walked into the kitchen.

I held my head. 'Ugh,' I sighed.

'Matt told me he kissed you! So, what's happening?' she asked excitedly. 'Is he cute? What's his name? How did you meet him?'

'Claire...' I moaned. 'His name is Pete.'

'Tell me more!'

'He's... kinda cute,' I blushed.

'He's a total hottie, isn't he?' she concluded.

'Yes,' I agreed. 'He's gorgeous. And he's smooth. And I'm fucking falling for him,' I finished, hanging my head.

'Oh my God,' she smiled.

'It's only lust, Claire, chillax. He doesn't even know my name.'

'Yeah, Matt said he called you Bunny or something...'

'Bonny. It's his nickname for me.'

A few more hours of talking and it was time for my shift again.

As I walked in I saw there was only one table occupied. I knew I would see him again, just like he promised.

'Hey, Bonny,' he greeted with a smile.

'Hello Peter,' I replied, with much less entusiasum.

'Why do you dislike me so much?' he asked, as soon as Ellen, last on shift, had said goodbye.

I thought. 'I don't know,' I said finally. I really didn't understand why I had such strong feelings against him. Maybe it was because he was so arrogant. He just assumed I would like him. He needed to be proven wrong. Even though he was right anyway.

He approached me slowly. 'You hate me...' he began, eyes boring into mine, 'but you love this,' he concluded, slipping his strong arm around my waist and pulling me towards him.
His rough hand travelled over my skin with intensity.

He stood back quickly, amused by my dazed face.

'You're taking advantage of me!' I protested.

'No way,' he smirked.

'I'm supposed to be working, you know,' I reminded him.

'Speaking of working...' he whispered, turning me to face the door and leaning his head on my shoulder from behind.

He was referring to Claire walking into the coffee shop smiling broadly.

'Hel-lo,' Claire greeted. 'I'm Claire, Bonny's best friend. You must be Pete.'

'Yeah,' he replied. 'So Bonny here was talking about me?' he smiled.

She winked at me. 'Possibly. But I didn't come here to discuss that. I just came for a cup of late night coffee...'

'Great,' I said, trying to slip from Pete's grasp while he was distracted. 'I'll get that for you.'

'Don't worry,' Pete told me as he sat down at Claire's table, 'I'll keep her company.'

While I went to make the coffee I tried desperately to hear what Claire was telling Pete. I was extremely worried.

I returned to the table but when I was within earshot they immediately stopped talking.

'Make that coffee to go, Bonny, looks like I'm late,' she smirked.