Status: Finished.

The "Family" Secret

Franks fight

I woke up in my bed. It was morning. I guess I was going to have to get used to going to school, it was making me tired, I wasn't used to using my energy that way. I had only been going back to school for two days; I didn't even want to get up for the third day. I rolled on my other side and looked out the window, judging by the sun, it was around 8. I took a deep breath through my nose and wiped my face with my hands. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.
“You guys could've told me to get up earlier.” I groaned as I took a seat next to Pete. I don't know why, but I had just realized that Ryan didn't have a very exciting life, it just hit me right then and there. “Ryan,” I said, trying to look interested. “Yes.” he replied. “Do you like your life?” I asked, I assumed he might have acted differently then he did to the question, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. “Yes, why do you ask?” he questioned, putting his hands on the counter in front of me, licking his back tooth. Now I could tell he was getting suspicious, but I had only asked because he never talked about what he did during the day while Pete and I were at school, he was always in the garage... supposedly reading. He kept looking at me, like I knew a secret about him. “Why so suspicious, Ryan?” I said as if I knew his secret, “You hiding something from us?” He glared at me.
I was just joking around, but obviously something was up with Ryan. Could he really be keeping a secret from us? “What do you do all day, while Pete and I gone?” I asked, trying to make him think I knew something. This was really weird, Ryan was never this way. I was never this way. While Ryan and I were talking, questioning each other, Pete was just sitting there, picking it the counter top. “Don't you have somewhere to be?” he asked. “You just can't wait to get us out of the house huh?” I said sarcastically. When he didn't reply I dragged Pete out the door with me.
No one was outside when we arrived at school, and barely anyone was in the hallways. School didn't start for another 10 minutes, and mostly everyone was already in class. “What do you think is going on?” I asked Pete as I got into my locker. “Like I have a clue?” he replied.
Science class was normal, but Social Studies got off to a rough start. Frank looked pissed off.
He slammed down his book on the table as he took his seat next to Pete and I at the table in the back. “What's your problem?” I asked, he didn't reply. “Fine, whatever.” I said as I rolled my eyes and sighed. This day sucked already.
The bell rang and Frank flinched, “Holy shit man, what's your problem!” I whispered. He shook his head and took a deep breath, “Nothing.” I sensed something run by the window. “Pete.” I said slowly. I could tell he already knew. “Frank.” I didn't wait for his reply. There was definitely someone outside, and they didn't seem friendly. They were moving so fast, no human could see it. There was more then one. “Damn, how many are there?” Pete whispered. It's time. “Frank, what are you talking about?” I yelled as he stood up. He didn't have any time to answer me, the people outside had already busted through the classroom windows, the kids screamed and didn't know where to run to. Everything was happening so fast, and I didn't know what to do. “Frank, what the hell!” I yelled over the kids screaming. I'm with them. I gave him a disgusting look, then I looked back over at the vampires near the broken windows.
One was really tall, but not skinny. He could be in his 20's. He was thick, with shoulder length brown hair, and he wore a leather jacket. There was another boy, he was probably my age, he had short blond hair, spiked in the back. The girl looked the youngest, long black, curly hair. She looked so sweet, but then the look that came to her face made me think different.
“Frank, come on, you can't be serious.” I said as he took a step towards the others. “What's your plan anyways, huh?” I looked around searching for Pete, but of course he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Frank stood still. “What's your plan?” I repeated to Frank. I blinked and then saw Frank attacking the short haired boy of the group. I stood with my jaw dropped. I didn't know what to do. Frank said he was with them, and now he's attacking one of them? The taller boy and the girl ran out the classroom door, and into the hallway, which was flooded with teenage kids.

Ryan! Somethings wrong, you better come fast!

Ryan would be at the school in less then a minute, I ran into the hallway. I was getting pushed, I mean really pushed, and by teenage kids who are so puny! It made me realize I needed to focus. I closed my eyes and raised my arms above my head, slowly inhaling a deep breath. I laced my fingers and slowly exhaled. Hopefully what happened to Micheal wouldn't happen to me this time. I unlaced my fingers and opened my eyes to Ryan in front of me. The kids were still running wild, I had realized there were more kids in the school then I had remembered. “Would you like to explain this?” he asked. “Ryan, you know this isn't my fault!” He sighed angrily and shook his head. “Who started this?” he asked. I looked back in the room to look at Frank. “Who's he?” Ryan asked. “I'm not sure, but I think Frank does.” I replied shaking my head, “Three of them came through the window, Frank said he was with them, and then when I asked him what his plan was... he went and attacked him!” Ryan looked so confused, but still so interested. “Well, seeing as how Frank just threw him down on the floor, I think he's alright, I think we could help elsewhere, you said there were three?” Ryan asked, and I replied with a nod. “Then where are the other two?”