The Detention Chronicles

Part One: Detention Boy.

de·scrip·tion /dɪˈskrɪpʃən/ [di-skrip-shuhn]
1. a statement, picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation.
2. the act or method of describing.
3. sort; kind; variety: dogs of every description.
4. Geometry. the act or process of describing a figure.
[Origin: 1300–50; ME descripcioun < L déscr&#299;pti&#333;n- (s. of déscr&#299;pti&#333; ); equiv. to déscr&#299;pt(us) (ptp. of déscr&#299;bere to describe) + -i&#333;n- -ion]

—Synonyms 3. species; nature, character, condition; ilk.

Is it possible to explain everything?
Analyze it to its very core?
Who wrote the Lifectionary?

[A/N: Original Fiction, despite the picture of Frank Iero stuck in the background]

Feedback appreciated.
  1. Omnipresent; Flake; Cocaine; Reflection
    Sizzling heat.
  2. Inertia Creeps; Epicene; Lumpen; Incipient
    Intruding strangers and writer's aspirations.
  3. CFF: Casual Faculty ***, The Guidance Counselor.
    Now for his dreaded talk.