
Chapter one; David.

My brother David is 15 years old.
He's just like every other 15 year old boy out there;
he goes to school, he loves sports and he could spend an entire day sitting in front of the television or playing video games.
In fact, the only that makes my brother very different different from any 15 year old boy out there is that David is autistic.
For any of you who don't know what being autistic means, it's a mental condition that locks my brother into his own mind, emprisons him in his own world, and lets him snap out of it only on very rare occasions. In other words, it's what some people might view as being "mentally retarded" or "mentally challenged", wich I consider as pretty much an insult, because deep down I know he would be the smartest 15 year old in his school, head of all his classes,if only he wasn't trapped in his own little world.