Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Road Adventures.

“You know if you just let me drive, we wouldn’t be stuck in the middle of nowhere.” William bickered at Angela for not letting him take over the wheel when she was tired. Her stubbornness was what had gotten them into this mess and now it was up to him to get them out.

“If you were navigating correctly, then we’d be doing just fine, you know.” she answered back, not taking her eyes off the road. My gosh, it’s not like navigating is that hard of a job to do, he acts like it’s the hardest thing in the world. Why does he always have to rub it in when he’s right? I can do things too you know, he doesn’t have to try to do everything for me, she thought to herself.

“You know you should really watch what you think because it comes out somehow or another. The only reason I rub it in is because I know how to drive back to Illinois. You even mentioned that you’ve never set foot out of New Jersey!” he fired back. Angela was now embarrassed that she had actually said that thought out loud instead of keeping it inside her head.

Angela knew the only way she could possibly bare the embarrassment was to stay quiet and let it mull over. She knew the only way to get him to stop pestering her was to let him drive the remainder of the trip, which was about another three hundred miles since they were currently in Ohio. William was surprised when they pulled into a gas station a couple minutes after their argument.

“What are we doing here?” he asked, not sure what to expect.

“We’re stopping to put gas, getting something to eat since we’re both bitter when we haven’t eaten in a while, and this is where I let you drive, even though somehow I’m going to regret this,” she replied as she pumped gas into her small car.

“Okay,” he replied with a grin on his face, knowing she had given in.

The truth was that there was absolutely no possibility that she could stay mad at him for more than two seconds. Even though she had changed her mind to make him happier, he knew that it was not proper to feel so much triumph. He felt almost…sorry about what had happened. He didn’t want to fight with her nor her him.
After the car was filled up with gas, they both headed in the gas station to get food. William kept his eyes close on Angela while she went straight for the coffee machine and grabbed two regular cups of coffee. He met her in the snacks aisle knowing she would be looking for some sort of cookie to go with her coffee.

“Angela, are you mad at me?” he asked hesitantly.

“No, I’m not. I find it extremely hard to be mad at you. It’s just the fact that I’m way too stubborn for my own good and I’ve never met anyone who can actually argue with me besides my mother when I was younger,” she explained as she grabbed a package of banana nut muffins. William followed her suit and started off after her to the cash register.

The cashier was a woman in her late thirties with about ten pounds of makeup piled on her face and a chest that could be disguised as the Himalayas.

“Anything else I can get you hun?” she winked at William as she scanned the food.

“Erm, no thank you, I think we’ve got everything here,” he said uncomfortably as he shifted his eyes towards Angela who was more frustrated than William. The cashier seemed to get the not so true hint that Angela and William were together.

“Okay, thanks. Enjoy your trip love!” she yelled as they left.

Angela and William were laughing by the time they got back into the car, this time he was in the driver’s seat and Angela got to relax on the passenger side.

“I can’t believe that she actually wrote down her number on my receipt,” William said as he looked on the little slip of paper.

“She did?!” Angela was surprised by the sound of her voice; she detected the tiniest bit of jealousy.

He showed her the piece of paper before backing up out of the parking space and driving out back onto the highway.

“So, you wanna play truth?” Angela said sipping her coffee, now relaxed that she didn’t have to drive; she wouldn’t admit that to William though.

“Okay, I’ll go first then. Would you pretend to be my girlfriend while we visit my parents? They don’t exactly know that I was auctioned off to be a gift to your cousin. They think I just went to explore the music scene for my band,” he asked nervously.

“Are you sure I look like girlfriend material?”

“Positive, you’re perfect,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's where things are getting interesting, next she gets to meet his parents and Courtney.

Anyway, this chapter goes out to Ellie and to Sabrina because they comment so much.
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