Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Meeting Parents and Making Moves

“Angela, I’ve lost feeling in my hand,” William said. She gasped quickly apologized while loosening the grip she had on his hand and then flushed in embarrassment. They were now sitting in the car outside of his parents’ house in Hoffman Estates.

“William, enlighten me on why they need to think I’m your girlfriend? I’m sure I’m not the type of girl they would expect you to go out with,” she said, somehow giving too much information of what she thought about this situation.

“Angela, they didn’t know I was in the auction program. They thought that this whole time when I went to Newark was to promote my band. That isn’t entirely a lie, since I did work on some songs and I let people listen to demos in order to get feedback from people but it’s only been a month and that’s not enough time to do everything. It’ll only convince them more if I come home and present you as my girlfriend.” he explained quickly. “And don’t for one second think that you’re not good enough for anyone because you are. Besides, my parents will love you since you’re down to earth, pretty smart, and I, in our relationship don’t deserve you.”

“So you would actually present them to me after only a month of so called dating?”

“Yes, of all the times they’ve seen my friends with girls they knew that I was holding out for someone,” he said.

Angela was struck with guilt as he said this. She couldn’t believe that she didn’t take into consideration William’s feelings when she said that he would be a gift to her cousin.

“Oh, wow, I feel so bad, for making you move from your home all the way to Newark just so you could be a Christmas gift,” she said looking at him, hoping that somehow he would forgive her for all the trouble he had had to go through.

“Don’t worry, I like being with you. And if your cousin is anything like you, then I’m sure she’ll be wonderful as well,” he replied before getting out of the car and going to her side to open the passenger car door.

“For the record, you’re worth a lot more than $9.95,” she told him as he took her hand, helping her get out of the car and leading her into the house.


“So, Angela, what are you studying over in Newark?” Mrs. Beckett asked politely as they were now in the kitchen after dinner had just been eaten and the awkwardness that Angela had anticipated was somehow gone.

“I majored in English Literature and just graduated this past Spring,”

“Oh, wonderful, that’s what I majored in, a very handy degree if you ask me. You can nearly go anywhere with it, the higher you go,” she gave her a heartwarming smile.

“Thank you,” Angela replied as her shyness came out. Mrs. Beckett and Angela continued to chat about where they came from, what their families were like and even shared embarrassing stories about William.

Meanwhile, in the living room, William was having somewhat of a heart to heart with his father.

“So, you must really like this girl if you made the choice of bringing her seven hundred miles just to visit,” his dad said.

“She was the one that suggested we see you guys actually, she saw that I was getting pretty homesick last week after you guys called and said it would be the best thing to do,” William explained, not faking his story one bit.

“And your mother seems to like her very much. Not like many of the girls that Adam or Mike have dated, I admire that.”

“No, she’s completely different. I can actually talk to her about things that are important to me dad, it’s completely astonishing. We connect on so many different levels and she’s herself, but doesn’t flaunt it. It’s such a strange feeling I get when I’m with her, but I love every second of it.”

“Bill, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this stuck on a girl. Then again, that’s just the way you are, you look for people that you know you can build something on and you stick to it. I’m glad,”

“Thanks dad, that means a lot to me. I’m going to take her to meet the guys tomorrow, before we head back to New Jersey. What do you think?”

“If you really feel this way about her, then I’m sure they’ll love her too” his dad replied with a grin.


Sleeping arrangements in the Beckett household were peculiar in both Angela and William’s minds. Courtney, his sister was working in California but they didn’t want to intrude. The spare bedroom that he had previously seen before he was shipped off, had been converted into an office, so they now had the option of someone sleeping on the floor or both of them sleeping on his bed, which was not small but not big enough for two people to fit completely comfortable on.

“So here’s what I’m thinking, I can sleep on the floor and you can sleep on the bed that way we can both sleep without any worries,” William suggested as they sat on his bed. His parents had already gone to bed and they were now discussing sleeping arrangements.

“You’re going to throw out your back by sleeping on the floor, Bill.” Angela pointed out.

“Since when do you call me Bill?”

“About two seconds ago. We’ll just have to make sleeping in your small bed comfortable; it’s only for tonight, unless you would like to stay a bit longer.”

“Are you sure about that? It won’t feel weird?” he said scooting a bit closer to her.

“No, why would it? We are dating after all, right?” she said scooting closer, pondering where this would go.

“Yes, we are. I think we make a pretty convincing couple, don’t you?” he said taking her hand, immediately realizing how much he had missed holding it.

“Somewhat, except we’re not used to all these couple-y things…” she said as she traced patterns on the back of his hand, sending shivers up his spine.

“Then maybe we should practice?” he whispered, not knowing where this new found spontaneity had come from.

“Are you trying to pull the moves on me Mr. Beckett?” she giggled and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Maybe, is it working?” he asked quietly as he turned her face gently so they were now facing one another.

Angela didn’t respond because before she knew it, she was leaning in too, closing the small gap that had previously been between them. Their kiss felt so right and made them feel like nothing else mattered in the world.

“Wow” they both said at the same time after less than a minute of their simple kiss. How could something that was meant to be so fake, feel so real at the same time?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehem, anyone see that coming?
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