Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Don't cut no corners when you're talkin to me

“Are you excited to go back home?” William asked Angela as they were packing in his room.

“Of course I am, but I’ll miss being here. I really enjoyed my time here even though it was only two days.” she replied as she neatly folded her clothes and put them in her bag.

“Well I’m glad that you enjoyed it and you get along with everyone.” he smiled at her.

“They were so amazing with all of the things they knew about their boyfriends and how well they acted around each other. It doesn’t cease to amaze me that they all met the guys before you guys were huge in the band. I honestly feel like the oddball out because I met you just two months ago.”

“You shouldn’t feel like that considering that we got along pretty well before you met all of the other guys from the band. I don’t care that you didn’t meet us a couple years back because you still mean a lot to me.”

“Wow, thanks.” she replied not knowing exactly what else to say. She couldn’t shake off what she felt when they were back at Sisky’s house. There was definitely something going on between them but she couldn’t exactly pinpoint why she felt that way, especially now that they were going back to New Jersey. Angela was afraid of what could happen between them because she had never had an actual relationship.

William stayed quiet for now because he knew that Angela was thinking the same as he was. So far, they had been able to play off their supposed relationship far from well. The only thing that was left now was to maintain this in response to what they felt for one another regardless of the fact that they didn’t know how to explain their feelings.

“Do you believe in fate?” the words slipped out of Angela’s mouth before she could even think about stopping them.

“To an extent, why?”

“I’m not sure; I just wanted to know if you believe in it.”

“Well everything happens for a reason doesn’t it? There has to be because then how else would we explain how things happen?”

“Not sure, depends on what you believe in and so on.” she answered.

“Okay,” he took a deep breath in. “What I believe is that there is a reason that I met you and why all of these wonderful things have happened to us. There has to be some sort of explanation why I feel the way I do about you and why there have been so many signs pointing towards us being together.”

Angela was frozen. Had he just said what she had hoped and prayed he would say?

“Y-you want us to be t-together?” she stuttered.

“Yes, don’t you want us to be together?” he asked, now worried. Was it possible that he had misjudged what was between them and led himself to believe that she wanted exactly what he wanted?

“Of course I do, but there’s just so much that we don’t know about each other still. I’m scared that all of these feelings have been caused by this entire trip and that they’ll fade when we get back to New Jersey.”

“But relationships are all about taking risks Angela, we have to start somewhere. Everything that’s possible for us is there, now you just need to be willing to take this chance with me.”

“I honestly don’t know if I can. After seeing the way my mom and dad didn’t work out, there are so many things that could go wrong.” she tried to justify.

“Angela, I’m not your dad, I wouldn’t hurt you. You know we belong together but you’re scared.”

“You don’t know me that well William so you don’t know what the problem is.”

“Maybe, but are you sure you even know?” he answered before throwing the shirt he was holding in his hands into his suitcase and walking out of the room.
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Well, it's been a while hasn't it?
I cut it off there cause it seems suspenseful(:
Anyways, please comment and tell me how you liked it (: