Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Where Does This Thing Open?

Early the next morning, Angela was giddy about calling to give all of her information to the man who would be sending her the gift for Isabelle. Al she had to do was be patient and wait until after work to see what she had bought. Her work today was far from her mind and as she helped customers in the shop, she seemed to be in a daze. Every half hour her eyes would shift towards the clock waiting to see if it was seven o’clock yet. Finally when the clock struck seven, Angela grabbed her things and raced off back to her apartment building. As she climbed the stairs of her building, she was flushed with excitement.

As she turned the corner something big caught her eye. The box she had imagined wasn’t so big. This box was only a bit smaller than the size of a standard refrigerator. She wondered how she would get it through the door herself. As she approached it, she saw it had holes in it, which made sense to her. It seemed that there was no way she could get the package through her door.

“How in the world am I going to get this thing through my door?” she asked herself out loud.

“Maybe you can open the box and let me out that way it’s easier for me to go inside?” a voice came from inside the massive parcel.

“Uh, you can hear me from in there? Just tell me where to open this thing and I’ll get you out.” she said uncertain of what to expect in reply.

“There should be a little string at the bottom of the package, just pull that and the box will pop open.” the voice said.

From what she could tell, it was a guy. She didn’t take much time on these thoughts because all of her focus was on finding the string which was supposed to be somewhere on this massive box. Finally, after searching helplessly, she saw a torn and frayed piece of string on the far corner of the bottom of the box. She crouched down next to it and tugged it. All of a sudden, the box collapsed and in the very middle was a guy she could have only dreamed of.

He was tall and a bit lanky, his hair rested at around his shoulders and brown in color. His jacket was brown and his shirt was yellow. His jeans looked a bit snug and they were ripped at the knees. Somehow, Angela couldn’t help but stare. The fact that this wasn’t her gift was far from her mind.

“Uh, hello,” she said awkwardly “I’m Angela, would you like to come inside?”

“I would love to, and I’m William, William Beckett.” he flashed her dazzling smile.

“Boy, this is going to be interesting” Angela thought to herself as she went inside with William at her feet following her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I feel so bad about not updating
I will try and update either on Saturdays or Sundays but I think I've joined too many extracurriculars at school so it might be a little tight.
Anyway, comment or subscribe, you know the deal :D
This is what William looks like when he's in the box.