Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Question Game

“So there isn’t a whole lot to my apartment, but it’s still pretty nice, in my opinion anyway” Angela explained to William as they crossed from the living room to the tiny kitchen. She pointed to two rooms on either side of a crammed bathroom, “The one on the left is my room and the one on the right is yours, now. It was being used as a guest room since my mom passed away two years ago.”

She felt like she was saying too much to a remote stranger, one who was not going to be staying long at her house since Christmas was only a two months away. She wondered if she could survive three weeks alone with such a handsome guy who was definitely out of her league and not scheduled for her. How in the world would she be able to contain herself in her little bubble with a guy when she had absolutely no luck whatsoever with the male species?

William explored the small apartment with sheer amazement at all of the little things that reflected Angela’s personality. He noticed that everything was plain and simple, but there were so many books that dominated the apartment. He had never seen so many books in his life and he was sure that this amount of books was in stiff competition with the amount at a public library.

“Hey William, do you have anything in the box that needs to go in your room?” Angela’s voice shattered through William’s admiration for all of the literature in the apartment.

“No, they just shipped me off without anything but the clothes on my back and my lyrics book, which is usually tucked in my pocket.” he said, pointing to a bulge in his back pocket.

“Okay, well we’ll have to get you clothes then.” Angela said. But with what money, she thought.

“Thank you.” he replied

“Well, this is a bit awkward. How about we get to know each other a little?”

“Sure, what would you like to know?”

“Anything, it doesn’t have to be something in particular” she said as she sat down on the beige couch.

“Well, there’s not much to me actually. I’m twenty three and my birthday is February 11th. I’m from Illinois originally, and I like to sing and write songs. What about you?” he said after he took a seat next to her.

“Then how did you end up from Illinois to here in Jersey?” Angela questioned.

“Well, somehow I got auctioned off, and ended up here, and then I was finally sold to you.”

“Oh, I see. I guess there isn’t much to me either. I was born and raised here in Jersey and stayed here with my mom until she died two years ago, when I was twenty one. My birthday is August 27 and I like to read. I work at the book store a couple of blocks down the street which works out because I get discounts.” she explained.

“I was wondering why you had more books than a public library. You must know a great deal after reading so many books. Did you major in liberal arts by any chance?” he asked, curiously.

“I did, in fact. I graduated this past spring with my degree in English literature. So I guess I could teach one day, if I really wanted to.”

“With all the reading you, you’d be bound to make a great teacher.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, thank yourself for having the persistence to go to school and earn a degree”

“I suppose so...”

“You’re not too good with compliments are you?” he gave her a knowing look and she grew red in the cheeks.

“Not really, exactly.”

“It’s all right, do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I was asked out on a date for this Friday, but I don’t think I’ll go.”

Why was she telling him all of these things? Why didn’t her mouth stop moving? What was it about William that made her want to be more honest and step out of her shell? Was he really that easy to talk to?

“Why not? You don’t like the guy?”

“I don’t normally date. Besides, I don’t want to leave you here all alone, you hardly know anyone. I would feel too bad leaving you here. I can just tell him that something came up and that I can’t make it.”

“Don’t feel bad about me; I’ve spent so much of my life alone, I won’t mind, really. You really should go out and enjoy yourself. You seem overworked, no offense. A night out would really be fun for you.”

“Maybe just one date wouldn’t hurt.” Angela reasoned.

“Good, it’s settled then, you can go out with your mystery guy on Friday and I can stay here and write a new song or something” William offered.

“Okay” Angela managed to get out for inside she was screaming, 'Why can’t I go out with you on Friday night?'
♠ ♠ ♠
I just noticed I was missing a chapter here and not on my computer, so I decided to fix it.
Maybe this will help ease the confusion