Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Macaroni and Cheese

For the first time ever, Angela was late to work. As she rushed down the stairs again, towards her apartment building entrance, she thought about the night before and all of the dreams that had disturbed her. They were a series of dreams that included all of the people she had met over the past couple of days. There was a dream in particular that disturbed her most though. She vaguely remembered William and Isabelle laughing and chatting, happily. Her jealousy was immense and unable to contain, it controlled her. Now, Angela was almost afraid of her own feelings for William. What if it did reach the point to where she would fall in love, the one thing she didn’t believe in? She shook her head as if to shake the thought that dominated her mind out, but it did not work very well. Somehow instead of thinking about William, she instead thought about Jake, the stranger that had taken a sudden interest in her. He was mysterious to her, and was obviously not afraid to get what he wanted. He was polite yet knew when he had to be just a bit pushy, but not overbearing. Angela must have not been paying attention because as soon as she was about to enter the bookstore entrance, she collided with another body. She silently cursed herself for being so clumsy and as she got up from the floor, she looked to see who she might have hurt. She searched and met a pair of familiar green eyes.

“We really need to stop meeting like this, Angela, or we’re both going to end up with a serious concussion.” Jake said from the floor while rubbing his head, slightly.

“I’m so sorry, again. I have a bit much on my mind right now and I tend not to look where I’m going and stare off into space instead. It’s a horrible excuse, nevertheless it is true.” Angela quickly replied, embarrassed. She turned away slightly into the bookstore on the way to the cashier counter to hide the pink in her cheeks.

“You in all actuality, it must have been my fault, I have a minor tendency to stare at my feet when walking.”

“I wasn’t looking either though, so I suppose we’re even.”

“Well, now that that’s established, will you agree to go to dinner with me on Friday? You never gave me an exact answer when I asked you the first time, and I believe one week is more than enough time to think over such a small situation as a date.” he reasoned. Angela laughed a little at his rhetoric, though; it was still pulling her in, convincing her by the second

“I have had time to think about it, and I have decided that I will go on a date with you.”

“Really?” his voice held a tone of surprise


“That’s great, what time shall I pick you up?”

“Do you mind if we meet here at the store instead?”

“Sure, I don’t mind. We’ll meet here at say, seven thirty?”

“Of course, that sounds great to me.”

“I’ll see you soon then?”

“Yes, see you on Friday”

He stepped forward and gave her a quick hug then left her at the counter. She watched him walk out the door. For what seemed like ages, she sat at the counter and daydreamed about nothing in particular until Nathan cut into her thoughts.

“Angela, there’s some guy named William on the phone for you? He said it’s important.”

Angela had forgotten that she left her work number for William this morning just in case he needed anything. After what had happened the night before, she could barely look at him without blushing or having twinges of jealousy towards her cousin. Now after what she had just encountered with Jake, she didn’t know how to feel. Her escapade of thoughts was suddenly interrupted when Nathan started waving the store telephone in front of her and she remembered William was on the other side of the line. Quickly grabbing the telephone, she spoke into it.

“Hello William, what’s wrong?”

“There’s been a bit of a problem…”

“What happened?”

“I tried to make myself macaroni and cheese for lunch but I’ve encountered a bit of a situation…”

“I don’t have any macaroni and cheese, William.” she said concerned now.

“I know, so I decided to make it from scratch, it told me so on the Velveeta box. So I tried following the instructions and now it’s pretty much glued to the bottom of the saucepan and it’s burning, almost on fire!” he said quickly in a tone that made Angela wonder if he was wincing as he explained what happened.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes and if starts more of a fire just pour water on it okay? And please don’t touch anymore items that go on the stove please!” she said quickly before hanging the phone on the cradle and running out of the store like lightning leaving Nathan in utter bewilderment.
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This one isn't new I just messed up on something.
I have a friend named Cheez, it gets confusing sometimes, but it gives a good opportunity for some crazy jokes :)
