Status: Updated every week or so. [:


French Toast Conversations

Angela woke up the next morning tired and not looking forward to what she had to do. William had surprised her when he was better at Uno than she was and that was saying something. They played best out of seven rounds and she still lost even though it was practically a tie. Sadly enough, after breakfast, Angela would have to clean the kitchen.

When she finally got up and out of bed, she realized she did not have work today, so instead of putting on her work uniform she decided to put on jeans and a sweater just in case it was cold outside. When she walked into the kitchen she noticed an unfamiliar smell. It smelled homey almost, and the faint smell of waffles and French toast entered her nose. She wondered who in the world could be making such foods that smelled delicious. The sight of William making pancakes was both scary and cute at the same time. How had this boy, who had no cooking experience whatsoever manage to make pancakes and French toast that, smelled so good? Angela let out a gasp and startled William who was humming while cooking.

“My goodness, Angela, you scared me,” he said while holding his spatula and placing some freshly made pancakes on a plate and handing them to her. She thanked him and went to sit down at the kitchen table. Two minutes later, William was sitting next to her with a plateful of pancakes, French toast and a glass of orange juice, cranberry for Angela.

“So how did you manage to make all of this good food without burning down the apartment?” Angela asked before she ate some of William’s French toast.

“I phoned my mum and asked her. I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to check up on them to see how they’re holding up in Illinois. I miss my sister Courtney a lot too.”

“William, how about next weekend we drive to Illinois so you can visit your family? It would be good for you to see them since I know you miss them a lot.” Angela came up with the sudden idea. She forgot the minor detail that she would have to meet William’s family and friends back in Illinois and that frightened her a bit. What would they think of her and how would they view their friendship as more than what they had.

“Are you sure we can just drop everything we have and go to Illinois? It’s not such a quick drive from here to there.”

“But you’re home sick William, it doesn’t seem right for you to stay here and not be able to see your family or anything.” she explained carefully not letting any of the other thoughts that were running through her head slip out.

“But don’t you have to work next weekend considering it’s so close to the holidays?”

“More than likely but I haven’t missed a day or called in sick since I started working there, so hopefully Nathan will understand,” she said as she sipped her cranberry juice.

“Okay, if you’re sure then we can go.” William responded, “But I get to drive!”

“Like hell you are, it’s my car and I get to drive. We’ll negotiate who gets the radio at what time and that entire hullabaloo later.”

“Fine fine, you pose a hard deal, but I’m willing to go along with it,” he said as he took her hand into a handshake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short update!
I decided that I'll leave it like this and put her date in the next chapter.
Then we can skip to the good stuff where we meet his family, yes?
Next chapter should be up later on today, kay?
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