Status: Updated every week or so. [:


Tea Anyone?

Neither William nor Angela knew what to say about the song he was singing. Angela sat down in the chair opposite him. He had no particular style today, just a t-shirt and jeans. It all somehow went with the guitar that he had now put off to the side, clearly embarrassed by being caught singing a song that wasn’t finished yet. He thought the room was too quiet so he broke the ice by speaking first.

“How was your date?”

“It went fine,” she replied, clearly not interested in elaborating for some unknown reason William couldn’t pin point.

“I may not know a whole lot about dating, but I’m sensing you’re not totally sure about the date and the guy himself.”

How he managed to hit the nail right on the head surprised her, and she was taken aback.
“I like him, but I’m not sure if he’s the type of guy I would go for since I don’t have much dating experience either,” she replied with a bit of blush from embarrassment.

“Well, is he the type of guy you always pictured you would be with?” William asked while he went to the kitchen and started to make tea.

“I’m not sure if I even have a type. He’s just so different from me. He’s from this high end lifestyle and I’m sure as hell not. The law firm he works for is the best in the city and I work at a book store. Basically, he’s the perfect guy, but I don’t know if he’s perfect for me.”

“You’ll never know if you doubt what could happen. Maybe you guys will hit it off more on the second date, you know never know,” he replied as he was now finished making tea and handed her a mug. William even remembered to add milk to Angela’s just the way she liked it.

“I suppose. But I think relationships should be based on how compatible you are with a person and how well you click, as junior high as that sounds. That simply didn’t happen tonight and now I don’t know what to expect for the next time he asks me out, if he even will, anyway.” she explained quickly after taking a sip of her tea which made her relax. William had now taken a seat next to her and this whole situation, drinking tea and talking, felt so… comfortable.

“I like your definition of what a relationship should be, partly because that’s my definition. I think if you can find someone you can talk to for hours about anything and everything then you’re set to go. It doesn’t matter where you guys are, just as long as you’re together, everything’s good.”

“Exactly, you just need to be together for the world not to matter anymore.” she said quietly.

“You know, I’ve always been afraid to fall in love” William confessed, before consciously knowing he was doing so.

“Being afraid to fall in love is normal, at least that’s what my mom always used to tell me when I would turn down dates in high school. She said that my fear is what always prevented me from being able to go out with people and open up to a lot of friends. It wasn’t really that though, just the fear of getting attached to somebody then have them cut the strings all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, but then when you fall in love, I hear it’s the best emotion and feeling out there. It all evens out in the end, since you’re willing to take the plunge to feel that way about someone.” he said before stifling a yawn.

“It really does,” Angela whispered. She hadn’t noticed how close they were until she stifled a yawn that was clearly caused by his.

Before he could do anything he would later on regret, William stood up, kissed her on the cheek and said goodnight. Moments later, the door to his room was quietly shut and Angela sat on her couch wondering why her stomach felt funny.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt the need to update, so there it is.
I think I lost subscribers, where did you all go?

The tea thing was kind of an improv thing, and I actually do drink my tea with milk.
A bit strange, yes, but very good.