California's Not My Home

Keelin O'Riley is an ex-coke addict model who tragically lost her parents when she was sixteen, she is now twenty-two. This is the story of how she manages to put up with the reticule and still be a well known name in the Model Industry and finally gets the man she has always been in love with.

Keelin O'Riley
Tommy O'Riley
Nicole McMahon
Ryan McMahon
Lindsey DeNofa
Lauren Palazo
Taylor Costello

Clearly I do not own Ryan Sheckler, his friends, family, or anyone or anything connected with him. I'm aware that the picture and last name doesn't follow with Ryan's Friend Taylor but it was easier to do it this way for the stories sake. I also have nothing against him, he seems like a pretty good guy.

Neither do I own and members of Avenged Sevenfold, their songs, friends or family, if I did I would not be sitting here writing a story involving them.

I do not own the pictures above so credit to whoever does, goggle is amazing. Nor do I own any other picture throughout the story unless they say otherwise. I do not own any of the music used, stores, clothing, well some of it I have but I don't own the company.

The only thing I am taking credit for is the story, as in the plot line, I like it, I'm sorry if you don't but please no hate mail five messages was enough. I know that this is not the original description, but I felt like I really needed to change it, so sorry if that bothered you.
  1. Chapter One
    You forgot your own birthday.
  2. Chapter Two
    Do you have enough skateboards?
  3. Chapter 3
    Girls pee too you know.
  4. Chapter 4
    I can't tell you what to do.
  5. Chapter 5
    I want to kick a puppy.
  6. Chapter 6
    Safe trip & Safe sex
  7. Chapter 7
    Whos driving the Mustang!
  8. Chapter 8
  9. Chapter 9
    "I picture you with a guy heavily covered in tattoos, couple piercings, in a band"
  10. Chapter 10
    Where is the child protégé
  11. Chapter 11
  12. Chapter 12
  13. Chapter 13
    Coke Headed Bitch
  14. Chapter 14
  15. Chapter 15
    "Is he on acid?"
  16. Chapter 16
    You want to fight tonight ?
  17. Chapter 17
    Whoa, Mr. Attitude, chill out before I crash your car.
  18. Chapter 18
    All Points Bulletin