Every Once in a While

Car Trouble, Daddy Trouble

Adeline's POV

It had been about a month now since I'd woken up from that strange dream. But I still think about it every once in awhile. Right now I was trying to work on an article for 'Rolling Stone" again. It felt weird. I don't know why. Maybe it was because it was the first article I'd written since I'd woken up that day. And in that dream, the last time I checked, I was a photographer. Oh well. I loved writing articles. I'd never even dreamed of becoming a photographer. Well, not until then of course. I was sitting there trying to type when all of a sudden I heard a big crash come from the other room. I tensed up immediately. Jacoby was at school, Maria at ore school, Mandy went out this morning and Jacoby said he had to leave for awhile. That left three people in here with me. I got up and walked into the rec room to find Tre standing over my TV which was now lying face down on the floor which is where my jaw now was. "Tre what did you do?!" I shrieked. "I was trying to figure out how to get this video game to work and then-CRASH!" He said, trying to look innocent. "Tre, so help me, my TV had better be okay. That thing cost me like three pay che-" Just then Billie Joe walked in. "What's all the commotion people?" He asked. I take it he;d been napping because he looked tired standing in the doorway rubbing his sleepy eyes. He was adorable, I couldn't help but think so. "Tre, did you bust up another TV because of a stupid game?" "Not on purpose Billie Joe!" "Tre supposedly you never do things on purpose but yet-" And the rest of his sentence was cut off because he was mumbling while walking away. Tre rolled his eyes. "Jeez, think he's my father or something?" I laughed. "Tre come on. You know it's true." "Do not." "Do so." "Do not." "Do so." "Do not." "Whatever Tre." "Do no- Oh." I laughed at him and walked out shaking ym head. "You better fix my TV!" I called back over my shoulder. "Oh sure! Leave me to do all the dirty work!" He shouted back. "Tre your the one that caused it!" I just shook my head and laughed walking into the kitchen grabbing a root beer from the fridge. Before I could even get turned around, I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. I swallowed. Great, just great. Not again. "Yes?" I questioned. "Where do you think you're going?" Billie asked resting his head on my shoulder. He was so close I could literally feel his breath on my ear when he talked. It gave me cold chills. "Back to the living room." I said calmly. "I don't think so." He said slowly turning me around to face him. "And just why not?" I said, fumbling for my words a little. "Because...I...want...Your...Root Beer." He said slowly, then grabbed it from my hand, opened it, took a drink, and smirked while walking away. Billie Joe Armstrong got caught doing this often when we were alone in a room. He'd do little things like that, that would seem flirty then try to pass them off as just trying to get something away from me. Or play a trick on me. Maybe I was just being to uptight and not seeing the humor in it. But maybe I wasn't.

About an hour later Many came home from wherever she went. "Hey Mandy." I greeted her, smiling. "Hello Adeline. Have you seen Billie Joe?" "Rec room. Tre destroyed my TV and Billie's trying to help fix it." "Ah, thank you." I nodded as she walked away. I really didn't have a problem with Billie's girl. She was nice. She's was a little young, but nice. Tre came out from the rec room a few minutes later. "I give up! All things in the world are and and always will be and are meant to be hopeless!" He said throwing his arms in the air and flopping down on the couch. "Awe, Mr. Fix It couldn't fix it?" "No. And Billie stopped helping as soon as Mandy came in." I smirked. "Sorry hon. That's life." "No, that'smy life." I laughed. "Yeah you're right, it is." He glared and threw a cushion at me. "Hey! Watch the soda." I said, throwing it back at him. He ducked and I missed him hitting Mike who was just coming in the room. "Dod I do some unknown thing that I'm not aware of to deserve that?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head. "No, blame retard over here. he ducked when I tried to hit him." Mike picked up the cushion at his feet and slapped Tre in the chest with it while walking by and sitting down on the couch next to the chair I was sitting in. "Where's Billie?" He asked. "In there with Mandy." I said nodding towards the rec room. "Ah I see. I need to talk to him. Think I should wait or go ahead and see?" "I dunno. 'Sup to you hon." Just then there was a loud banging outside the door. "Will somebody please let me in?! I don't appreciate being locked out with no spare key ya know! Jacoby yelled from the other side of the front door. I giggled getting up and walking over to it. "Come on! Adeline! Mandy! Billie! Somebody better open this door before I kick it in-" "A little cold out there Coby?" I interrupted. "Nah, it's just 30 below 0 out, we're having a heat wave!" He shouted very angry now. I laughed and opened the door just to watch a little pile of snow fall right on top of Jacoby's spiked and freshly highlighted head. "Thanks a lot. Means the world to me." "Good, cause that was your Christmas present." I laughed. He gave a sarcastic smirk and took off his jacket tossing it across the arm of the chair I had earlier been sitting on. "Thank Jacoby. I appreciate that a lot ya know I was sitting there!" "Good! Glad to here!" He walked over and actually pulled me into a hug then and then smiled sarcastically again. "That was your Christmas present." I rolled my eyes and shoved him away. "What you can be smart but I can't?" "Shut up Jacoby." "Awe, did I hurt the wittle baby's feelwings?" "Shut it Jacoby or I'm gonna give you another Christmas present and you'll wish you'd have accepted the first one more." He quickly straightened up waling away smirking. "Yo Adeline!" He called from the kitchen. "Yeah?" "What's the time?" "3:23" "PM?" "Duh Jacoby." "Yeah just wondering cause like, don't have some kids to pick up." I jumped up from my seat eyes wide. I was over ten minutes late leaving. They were gonna stand there and freeze to death! Jacoby was standing there laughing. "Boy you're just really out of it today aren't you space cadet?" "Shut up Jacoby." I grumbled while hopping around on one foot and pulling one of my chucks on the other. He just laughed even more at the sight. I stumbled right into the door after managing to get both shoes on. "Woah." I breathed. "Shut up Jacoby!" I shouted again. He was nearly rolling on the floor with laughter. Apparently he thought this was funny or something. I grabbed my jacket and car keys and flew off out the door. Jacoby followed and stood on the porch watching the 'funny' scene. I got into my car, looked back and glared at him. And then tried to start my car and be on my merry way. But unfortunately for me, when it's cold outside like this, the ignition gets frozen. That's something I forgot about. All it did was make a sick huffing noise and then it died. I got out, slammed the door and marched up to the porch where Jacoby was laughing his butt of. Seriously. I whacked him across the arm. "This is not funny Jacoby! Now I need a ride!" "Oh yes it is! Are you crazy?! Nobody could watch that and not laugh!" he said through laughter and tears. I grabbed onto his shoulders and shook him a little. "Jacoby! Snap out of it! Are you not listening to me?! I have to go pick up my kids, our kids, or they're going to freeze to death out here in this kind of weather! he was wiping his eyes by this time and trying to calm down. A little laugh coming up now and then "Oh Lord, that was good." "Jacoby!" "Yes, yes! Okay. I know. Alright. Let's go get our kids." He said. And we trudged though the snow to his car. When we got in and he shut his door he sat there and a look of realization hit him. "I just remembered something." he said as if it were truly important. "What ? What is it?" I asked anxiously. "I forgot my jacket on the chair inside." "Jacoby!" I hit him across his arm again. "Shut up and drive." "Hey that's a song!" "What are you on?" "Nothing." "Whatever, let's just go get our kids!" "Okay! Fine!" He fianlly started the car and we were off. About ten minutes after driving in silence Jacoby speaks up and of all things he says, "Two actually." "Two what?" "Songs." "Are you having a mental war inside your mind with yourself Jacoby?" "Know I mean early when you told me to shut up and drive and I said that it was a song, it's actually two." He smirked. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smirking. I could swear I'm riding with Tre right now instead of my kids' dad. "Hey, what can I say? I've been living with the guy for the past month now. What do you really expect Addie?" I smiled to myself without letting him see. He had just used the nickname again that he used quite often when we were still together.

Soon we pulled up at the school building and I nearly jumped out of the car with Jacoby close at my heels. But they weren't there waiting. "They're probably waiting inside Adeline. I mean can you blame 'em, it's freezing out here!' Jacoby exclaimed. I glared at him. it was mostly his fault we were this late. We walked up to the building and went straight to the principles office. "Oh, someone has already come to pick them up." He stated calmly. "What?" Jacoby and I said in unison. "Yes. A few guys actually. Jacoby ad Maria went willingly. Asked 'em if they knew 'em, they said yeah they were living with them." I sighed with relief. "Oh thanks Heavens it was Billie, Mike, Tre." "Oh, so we came here for nothing." That's when it hit me. We did come here for nothing. But how did they get here before us anyway? "Yes we came here for nothing!" I said turning and walking out. He soon followed. "And it's all your fault! if you wouldn't have been messin' around, we wouldn't have even-" "Adeline! Chill, okay? They're safe aren't they? And we're headed back home now. So all's well that ends well." "Ya know, I really just want to do some pretty mean things to you every once in a while." I said gritting my teeth. He laughed. "Like now for instance." "Yes." I couldn't help but smirk then. "I figured." We got back in the car and drove home and no sooner than I walked in the door, I saw my children sitting on the couch on the laps of the men that had picked them up. "Mommy!" They yelled running towards me and hugging me tight. "Hey what about Daddy? Daddy's the one that drove Mommy to the school looking for your little butts." I laughed then. "Daddy!" They jumped on him knocking him over. "You asked for it." I said looking down at him. "Oh shut up. You didn't have to rub it in." "Uh, you're laying on the floor because the kids just pounced on you after you asked them to give you a hug because you're jealous. Yeah, I kinda did." I ruffled his hair messing it up and stood up and watched as his hands immediately flew to his head trying to fix his hair. "I hate it when you do that!" "Awweee, you'll get over hon." I smiled sweetly down at him. "I'll get revenge is what I'll get." He mumbled."Sure you will sweetie. Sure you will." I said, sitting down on the couch next to Tre. "Nice sweater Tre, where'd ya get it?" "You're closet." "What?!?!"
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Hilarious right? I'm going to make this sequel like super funny! So be prepared! You've been warned!

lol...Comments please? I appreciate it very much so!