Every Once in a While

Hello Mexico!

"Sleep well?" Billie smirked the next morning as we were sitting down in the breakfast room of the cheap motel. Now I didn't have a problem with cheap motel's, I had a problem with sharing a room with Tre in a cheap motel. I shot a glare at Billie and took another bite out of my bagel. "Sleeping with an arm in my face and hearing, "Oh I love you too snuggles" all night, is not my idea of sleeping well." I remarked. He just laughed and shook his head. "Is he still on about snuggles?" I rolled my eyes as Mike came in and took a seat at the table, and then Mandy, and then Tre shortly after. "Morning guys." Mandy said as she sat down. "Morning." I mumbled in reply. "Morning!" Tre said cheerfully. I glared at him as well. She laughed. "I take it last night didn't go so well?" "It was just fine for me." Tre said. "Yeah! For you alright! Cause I wasn't the one stealing all the blankets, kicking you, throwing my arm n your face, and loving on snuggles!" He gave me an odd look. "You kept repeatedly saying, "Oh I love you too snuggles!" What is that like your childhood teddy bear?" "Hey! Billie Joe you said you would never tell anybody!" Billie Joe sat there and very seriously said, "I didn't." Before bursting into a fit of laughter as did everyone else, including me. I just couldn't sit there and not laugh at that no matter how bad of morning I was having.

"So you ready hit the road again?" "Yes!" I cheered, in a better mood now that I'd had breakfast and a chance to get woken up. "I nominate Tre to drive us first." He groaned. "Do I have to?" "Yes, you do." I said smirking. "You heard the woman." Billie said. "Shut up and drive." Tre whined the whole way to the driver's seat, but got in anyway. I sat in the back between Billie and Mike because Mandy didn't want to be squished. "Turn on the radio Tre." He reached over and turned it to the country station. I glared at him. "Come on, I wanna jam! We're on the road, it's time for jammin'!" I whined. Billie leaned forward in his seat and through the front seats to change the radio station. Suddenly a familiar song filled the air and everyone was singing along.

"Woah! We're half way there.
Wo-oh! Living on prayer.
Take my hand.
We'll make it I swear.
Woah! Living on a prayer.
Living on a prayer!"


It was quite some time later, I'd fallen asleep and I was just now waking up. I glanced at the clock on the radio.

4:23 AM.

Mike was now driving. Tre was passed out in the front seat. I shook my head while rubbing my eyes. Mandy was now on the other side of me where Mike had previously been seated, and Billie was till in the same place. "Mike?" I whispered. "Yeah?" "How long have we been driving?" "At eight it'll make twenty four hours." "Wow." "Yeah, we decided we just wanna drive straight through the rest of the way and not have to deal with the torture of deciding who sleeps where again. I nodded. "Sounds good to me." He laughed. "Thought it would." "So how long have you been driving now?" "For a few hours. Billie's gonna wake his lazy hind up here shortly and take over the wheel, other wise I might fall asleep just like I am." "We wouldn't want that." "Nope." "I'll wake him up for you." I leaned over next to Billie Joe's ear. "Billie! Wake up! It's your turn to drive." "Huh?" His eyes slowly but surely opened and he was awake. "Mike's about to fall asleep at the wheel and get into a car crash killing us all, now wake up and take over the wheel you big lazy lard." He just stared at me. "I'm a big lazy lard? You haven't driven once since we came on this trip, why can't you do it?" I shook my head. "I don't know where we're going." "It's called a map, use it." He mumbled with his eyes shut again. "Billie!" I smacked his arm. "What?" He groaned. "Wake up and take over the wheel." "Fine, fine. Mike, pull over." "Gladly." a few minutes later, Mike and Billie had manged to trade places and we were on the rode again. Not ten minutes after Billie started driving, I had to use the rest room. "Billie?" "What?" "I need a rest room." "Why couldn't you have gone back there while we were stopped?!" "I didn't have to then!" "You sound like one of the kids ya know that right?" I rolled my eyes. "Do not call me a little kid." "Now I know where they get it from." "Shut up Billie Joe!" He just smirked at me through the rear view.

Soon enough we came to a stop and I was able to us the rest room. I may have wanted to take this trip, but I really just couldn't wait to get to Mexico. I got to the car and almost immediately fell back to sleep on Mike's shoulder. "She uses the bathroom and all of a sudden she'd content?" Billie asked looking back at Mike, who just shrugged in reply. "Wow, just wow." Billie shook his head starting the car back up again.


"Adeeeliiinneee." I heard a soft voice in my ear and swatted it away. "Adeline. Addie. I'm not going away till you get up." "What?!" I sat up my face only inches away from Billie Joe's. I swallowed. "We're in Mexico." He said. "Um, g-good. Move so i can get out." I pushed him over in the seat so I could get out the door and away from him. I already had the door open and was about to step out when I felt him grab my wrist and pull me back in. "What's the rush?" I looked up into his vibrant green eyes. "Let me think, I need a shower, I'm hungry, and a real bed sounds awesome right about now." He laughed lightly moving away. I sighed with relief. "Of course it does. So get out so I can." He said all of a sudden urging me out. I didn't get him. Like I said, he's always doing this. Trying to trap me in moments like this, then brushing them off like they're nothing. Just like that day in the kitchen with the root beer.

I pushed past him and climbed out of the car. The hot Mexico sun beating down on my exposed skin as soon as I came into contact with the world. I shielded my eyes from the UV rays for a minutes looking around. The sea side view lodge we were staying at was absolutely breath taking. It was right on the beach. "Still planning on going to bed this early?" Billie asked coming up behind me with that cocky smirk. "Shut up." I said, taking in the breath taking view. "Woah!! Party time!!" Tre yelled before running right my way, throwing me over his shoulder, and heading straight for the crystal blue water that awaited ahead of me. "TREEEE!! Put me down!!" I cried. But apparently it was in vain for I was thrown into the clear blue ocean regardless of my pleas.

I came up to the surface of the water spitting out some as I did so. "Tre!" I yelled but couldn't help laughed. "You look like Jimmy Neutron!" I exclaimed, pointing to his new hair due since he gotten in the water. Mandy, Billie, and Mike were watching on the sea shore amused. "Oh yeah, well you look like Raggedy Ann!" I laughed. "Tre, don't try. But you are gonna pay for doing that." I waded over to where he was and gave him an evil smirk. "Ooo, I'm so scared of a little girl." "You're gonna be!" I attacked him ducking him under water sending us both under. I was holding onto Tre's shoulder and he was flailing his arm and legs trying to get me off. After a good minute, we resurfaced and I was busting out in laughter. "You tried to drown me!" "Why would I try to drown you if I'm going down with you moron?" I laughed. He just crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his nose up in the air.

"If you two are done now, there's an awesome Mexican dinner waiting inside for us, and hot showers." Billie interrupted. Tre and I looked at each other before grinning and running out of the pool. I attacked Billie in a big wet hug and He got Mike and Mandy. "Hey! Get off me!" "Come on Guys this isn't funny." "Yes it is!" We said simultaneously. We were grinning like idiots. "You know you love us!" I said before dashing off towards the huge beach house with Tre somewhere close on my heels. "Psh, in your dream Avery." Billie shot. "Whatever Armstrong!" I said sarcastically before running off to find a shower.

This was going to be a good summer. I can tell.
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Hope you liked it!

But what's up with Billie Joe?

Why does he keep acting so weird?

Maybe it's all in her head?

Or maybe he's playing games with her head?

What do you think?