Of all the Gin Joints in all the World

The Way Your Make-Up Stains My Pillowcase.

I met him at a bar. A dim, dank bar.

I was sitting alone on a red stool, knocking back God knows how many martinis.

After the first few I remember hearing someone ask something. I was totally out of it but I recalled everything.

My attention was drawn towards the person seated to my left, the person speaking.

'... Are you okay?' he asked. A boy, with dark hair and pale skin was on the stool next to me, holding a beer.

'I'm fine,' I replied, not missing a beat.

I could not only handle my drink well, but I could act as sober as I liked. I was use to it. But the alcohol comsumption did have one side-effect. I blurted things out, my brain not fully comprehending what I'm saying.

'I'm Pete,' he said smoothly, I didn't have to look to knowthere was a smirk on his face.

'Mm...' I mumbled, downing another martini.

The trick to no hangover is to not mix drinks. Stay on one all night. But it can backfire depending on how many of that one drink you have.

I raised my empty glass to the bartender, signalling for another.

'And you are...?' he trailed.

'Drunk. Get outta here,' I scoffed. I looked straight ahead, staring at the glasses stacked behind the bar.

'Come on, what's your name?' he asked, having realized I had more than the two he had seen me drink.


'Mm-hm. And Alice, how old are you?' He spoke to me as if speaking to a small child.

'I'm 22,' I blurted.

'Have you ever kissed a guy having met him less than two minutes ago?'

'I don't have to tell you!' I replied, shocked.

'That's a no. Now I'm going to kiss you and you aren't going to fight.'

'Wha-!' I stopped, his warm lips connecting with mine. He wasn't
bluffing. I pushed him back. 'What the Hell are you doing?!'

'Nothing, not anymore,' he muttered.

'I don't like you,' I sulked.

'Well, this is no thrill for me either.'

We sat there for quite a while, but the drinks piled up and even I can't handle it that well.

The next day I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. A room, presumably dark because of the drawn curtains. A bed, which was surprisingly comfortable. A headache, clearly from a money-wasting amount of drinks.

I groaned, holding up my head. I squinted, anxious for my eyes to adjust to the dim light.

Where am I?

Something stirred next to me, causing me to freeze.

The cause also groaned and turned over. I was still lying down, my arms behind me, propping me up slightly.

An arm gently lay on top of my stomach.

I looked at the culprit painstakingly slowly, already knowing who it was.

That boy.

He was facing me, eyes closed.

His hair was messed, covering most of his face. His strong lower jaw and lips were apparent, strikingly obvious against the mass of black.

He looked adorable, although my brain insisted that I didn't really believe that. It was like an internal argument.

He sighed and I froze, wondering what I should do. His eyes suddenly fluttered open and he looked at me with a glazed stare.

His brown eyes then came into focus and he sat up too, just looking at me.

'What happened last night?!' he exclaimed.

'You tell me,' I replied sarcastically.

'Did we...?' He trailed off, although I'm sure the sentence was full of needless obscenities.

'I don't have time for this,' I said, sitting up and throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I looked down and blushed. I was wearing his shirt.

I looked for my clothes on the ground, pulling on my underwear and jeans, seeing with the little light coming through the window. It looked dark outside too.

I flicked on the main light, squinting at the blinding brightness.

'Wha- I- But...' He stuttered over his words, I could sense he was much less cocky than last night.

'Gonna finish that sentence sometime this year?' I quipped.

'Your sarcasm really helps. Look, it's no surprise finding a girl I don't know in my bed in the morning, but I know you. You were stubborn.'

'Yeah, and now I'm pissed.'

Thunder crashed outside. I looked at my watch. 5:48. How did I sleep so late? Someone must have spiked my drink, no way can a normal headache be this bad.

The lights flickered, then cut out.

I groaned loudly. 'You gotta be kidding me!'

I rushed to the window in my jeans and his shirt, looking out anxiously.

As I suspected a massive thunder storm had rose, making the sky a whirl of black with streaks of lightning.

I watched as tiny beads of rain slid down the window. It began lightly but within minutes it was pouring.

I leaned my head against the cool glass, internally kicking myself.