Of all the Gin Joints in all the World

You Don't Know Who I Really Am.

'This time you KNOW it was your fault too.'

I sighed. 'I know. I know...'

God dammit. Stupid Wentz. Stupid me.

'And you liked it. I know you did. You can't keep lying like this...' He lifted his hand to run the back of it across my cheek.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, slowly. 'No. Stop.' I pushed his hand away.


'Don't! Just stop.' I am in such shit.

There was a pause.

'I know you lied,' he said calmly.

'... What?'

'You lied. About having a boyfriend.'

I stared at him. I couldn't tell at that moment, but I hoped my face was blank. 'What?'

'You heard me. I know you don't have a boyfriend, Alice.' His voice held no emotion, not even smugness.

'How could you possibly know that?' I whispered.

'Doesn't matter,' he replied, looking down and shaking his head.

'What, have you been talking to my friends?' I asked incredulously.

There was no reply.

'Following me? Stalking me? How could you know that?!' I was staring him out of it now, waiting for him to crack. He was still looking down. 'Have you been following me?!' My voice was close to cracking.

He looked up then, our eyes connecting. And for one whole second, in those hazel eyes, I saw everything.

Then he kissed me.

But this wasn't like before. He kissed me, and I didn't just let him. I realized I needed it. And that was it. Those times when I thought I was letting him kiss me, I was really just slowly becoming addicted.

I was intelligent, but I believed in logical things, in science. This was most definitely not science. This was me getting sucked into his fucked up little world. Like I deserve, the fool I am.

And this is the part where we end up in bed again. Only this time it didn't happen. Because he stopped.

He stopped.

He just walked away, and into the kitchen. I followed him several minutes later, in complete shock. He was frying bacon and eggs.

'What just happened?' I asked him, slowly.

He had his back to me. 'Sorry.'

That was all he said.