I'd Rather Not Say

Strip-Down Swimming

Preacher Dennen didn't have much of a life outside of the church. The only things I really knew about him were that he had about seventeen cats, a white Volvo, and of course, the pool. The rest was up to speculation.

"You know, I bet Dennen's been skinny dipping a few times himself," Scarlet mused. Even in the dark, I could picture her glazed-over green eyes and a look that should have looked philosophical on her face. Somehow the expression just made me laugh.

"Scarlet, I don't even want to THINK about that. Church will never be the same again," I burst. My face was probably bright red from my continuous giggling.

"Oh and so you and Christian naked in his pool screwing each other WOULDN'T change things? Maybe you need a better dare," Paxton retorted.

"Nope, this one sounds nice," Christian mumbled. I suppose he was meaning that to be an inside thought. He wasn't very good at being quiet, though.

"Christian, Christian, Christian, you know that with or without the pool you and Kiersten would be---"

"Oh GOD, Scarlet, could you NOT?!" I half shrieked, half whispered through the muggy August air. How was she so cavalier discussing her best friends fucking...WHILE they were right in front of her.....in a PREACHER'S back yard?

"Well I don't understand why that bothers you, K, because in just over sixty seconds you and your loverboy are going to be performing some supposedly unmentionable acts right behind a holy man's house. Girl, you're gunna be sinnin'! Try repenting THIS," Scarlet basically scolded me. I just looked at her.

"Remember, God sees everything!" Paxton said, right before letting out a loud snort of laughter.

"Could you KEEP IT DOWN?" Christian breathed. I could still tell he was almost in stitches from Scarlet and Paxton's commentary.

"That goes for you two, Mister. And to the Missus. You can't be TOO loud when you're in the pool," both priorly mentioned friends said in stern voices, which were bubbling with sarcasm.

"Well, time to strip down!" I spoke, breaking the silence that followed Scarlet and Paxton's little lecture. I didn't even hesitate getting undressed. This was going to be fucking fun!

"Dive in, you crazy kids," Paxton whispered, while running behind some nicely manicured shrubs.

"Have fun!" Scarlet added, trailing Paxton.

And so there we were, naked in a preacher's pool. This topped all preceding dares.
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