I'd Rather Not Say


It wouldn't take a genius to come to the conclusion that things were getting heated between me and Christian. Mid make-out, there were some giggles from Scarlet (watching, of course), and some cat calls from Paxton.

"Now come on kids, we came all the way over here for you two to simply suck face?" Scarlet whisper-shouted, making the bushes shake.

And she was right, of course. If we got caught, we'd be naked and accused of fucking. At least be rightfully guilty. That logic couldn't really be argued with. By the size of my boyfriend's boner, he had no objections.

Christian didn't waste a second. I gasped audibly when he started grinding me, and Paxton definitely heard it. Scarlet let out a huge snort and I heard her fall over behind the bushes. Just for her sake, I let out an exaggerated moan.

"Someone's happy!" Paxton remarked.

This time, the moans were not exaggerated at all. Pool-sex is pretty fucking incredible.

"Pax, did you bring your cell phone?" Scarlet breathed in between gulping for air after her outburst.

"Shit! No! We need proof of this," he replied. He was thoroughly disappointed he wouldn't have pictures of us.

Suddenly, there was a light come on in the glassed-in back porch. It was a blond woman dressed in a short pink dress. Her...um...ASSETS were propped up proudly.

"John? Are you out there, sweetheart?" she spoke to the darkness.

Christian and I took in deep breaths and plunged underwater. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over the the side of the pool, so we could peek over the edge to watch her.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" she asked again, looking a bit frantic, although her heavy makeup fought to conceal her flushed face.

A light flicked on inside the house and there were heavy footsteps. Oh. My. God. It was Preacher Dennen. He stepped out to the porch and put his arm around the woman, lifted her chin and kissed her.

"Julie? What's the matter?" he asked, scratching his head with the hand that wasn't dangling dangerously close to the blond's ass.

"I could have sworn I heard someone out there!" she replied, gesturing to the pool.

He pecked her lips again. He flicked a switch and an array of lights came on in the pool, and floodlights lighted the bushes. Then I heard bare feet running off in the direction of my house. Scarlet and Paxton. Those traitors!

Of course, Christian just HAD to have pulled me to the side of the pool where the light was the brightest. If our shadows in the water hadn't given us away, then the bright lights in our faces would have.

"Is that...KIERSTEN? CHRISTIAN?" boomed the preacher.

"Oh fuck," mouthed Christian.

"Oh, Lord, are you two...nude?" the woman, now assumed as Mrs. Dennen (who knew?) gasped, clamping a hand around her red lipsticked mouth.

I looked at Christian and decided it better to come clean, rather than deny it and be asked to kindly step out of the pool. We nodded meekly in unison. Mrs. Dennen flung a hand to cover her eyes. Oh please.

"PLEASE clothe yourselves!" Preacher demanded. He was shocked. No, more than that. He looked thoroughly delirious.

The couple turned away to let us dress.

"Um, we're...decent," I stammered.

"DECENT? Go home, you two! YOUR home," he boomed.

And so we scampered off, red in our faces, and almost aching from the laughter.

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