...And We All Have A Hell

All The Voices Mistaken

I rose from my chair, my mind still spinning over Kitty's last comment. She seemed to dissappear every single time I got close to figuring out that something...that kept me bound to her.

I made my way to fourth period...the last period of the day. I had developed a migrane, and couldn't wait to get home. The class seemed to go by in a flash, considering I didn't really take time to get to know anyone. I was too irritated. Anyone I met would cower in my presence in this state.

On my way to the commons, I saw Sierra and David together. I thought of stopping to say goodbye before I left, but I decided against it. Sierra most likely wanted her alone time with him, anyways. Plus, I wasn't in the best mood as it was. I boarded the bus and sat in the second seat on the right. No one sat next to me, but I wasn't surprised. I probably looked extremely pissed off. It's just the way I am, I guess. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a dream-like state.

The bus finally pulled up to my stop. I made my way off the bus, not wasting a second. I could practically hear my bed calling my name. Walking down my driveway, I kicked some rocks off to the side. My mom's car wasn't in the garage, so I assumed she wasn't home. I didn't stop to check the note I knew she had left on the counter. Instead, I made my way up the stairs and went straight to my room. I threw my things on the floor, and fell on my unmade bed. Sleep was irresistable.

The grass swayed in the wind, just as it had before. I was here again, in my place of tranquility. The moon was mesmerizing, shining brightly enough to blind. I arose and looked towards the forest line, searching for the wolf I had seen before. Shadows danced behind the trees, leaving me curious. I took a step foward, and found myself dashing towards the forest. I disregaurded my ignorance to the situation, and followed purely my instinct.

The shadows were clearer now, only instead of a wolf, it was a man. His back was to me, and I couldn't make out what he was doing. Making my way around him, I saw two more in the distance. One appeared to be a woman, and the other a man.

Before I could speak, they had surrounded me. Their faces were still not visible. I had a deep sense of insecurity. This was dangerous. I dashed between the two men, and ran as fast as possible. Everything was a blur. I could not make out what was going by me. I must have been moving at an incredible pace, however, they were not far behind me. I glanced up at the moon, taking in it's essence...

I was rudely awoken by the shrieking of my cell phone. I picked it up. Sierra.

"Hello?" I answered groggily, straining to look at the clock. 1:30 a.m.

"Hey. I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd call you. I had the freakiest dream ever. Okay?"

"Okay..." I said, still half asleep.

"Okay. Well, I'm like in this strange place, right? And there's this man...he has red hair and the brightest eyes you have ever seen. He's like...trying to persuade me to go with him to this strange place he keeps ranting about...and then I told him no, right? So he just comes at me. My natural instinct is to run. So, that's exactly what I did. But he's so fast! He caught up to me...and....and then I woke up." The fear in her voice was extremely evident.

"Doesn't sound so bad to me. It was just another chasing dream. If you ask me, it's not nearly as bad as that one you had about the hooded guy last year," I said, in attempt to calm her down.

"But, Cassie! You don't understand. If you would have just seen the look this guy gave me. It was so...horrible."

"Yeah, I understand. I've been having some strange dreams myself. But everything is gonna be alright, okay? I swear it."

"Okay, okay. I'll let you go to bed. See you tommorrow."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you, too."

The phone clicked, ending the call. I couldn't believe it was already one thirty in the morning. I didn't mean to sleep that long. And that dream...a chasing dream. I could feel the goosebumps forming on my arms. I tried to shake it off, and decided to go to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I made my way down the stairs, being extremely careful with each step I took. Flipping on the lights, I got a glass and watched it slowly fill with water. I gulped it down quickly, placing the glass in the sink and making my way back up the stairs. I grabbed my backpack and pulled my laptop out, checking my email. I had no assignments to do, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep after being knocked out for over eight hours. I closed the laptop and set it on my nightstand. What to do now?

I checked my phone and saw where Sierra had tried to call numerous times before she finally succeeded in awakening me. I had six new texts and replied to them all, knowing I wouldn't get any response. I fell back into my bed and closed my eyes.
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