The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 1

Haden’s Point Of View

Finally! The day that I have been waiting for all my life! The trials. Dreading may be a more accurate word to describe, this hallow day. The instructors have been hyping us about this day for years. Making us sweat and fidget with fear, from the difficulty of it. How it is important to pass the trials. It was either pass or prepare to die.
My hands were shaking from the sheer pressure of walking to the sacred precipice. The trail was a scene of beauty. A mist hugged the far mountains, and forests of Sadow Grounds. Soon we became closer and various rocks were painted with memorials of battles and famous Amacans past. You could smell the moist soil, and the tree moss. The mumbles of the other students behind and in front of me intertwined with the whispering of the wind, taking my anxiety to a new level. I would be mumbling too if it wasn’t for the sheer nerves of laced steel that strangled my stomach.

“It’s going to be fine” A gentle voice said next to me. Amelia. She had been my best friend since the age of seven. Her ruby eyes shining in the sunlight. She was half Ovriton. She kept their trade mark eye colour and slightly pointed ears. Her hair, like all Ovritons, was a dark brown that hung loosely in various swirls down her back.
I smiled and croaked in an attempt to speak. I have never been so nervous. I rubbed my hands viciously. I wasn’t cold. I needed something to do. Amelia laid a feather light hand on my shoulder.
“Calm down. You don’t see me worrying do you?” she smiled coyly.
“But you’re a talented Amaca. I’m barely competent at spelling my own name!” I exclaimed, finding my once lost voice.
“Don’t undermine yourself like that. Your more than competent to spell your own name. And your skills are getting more and more improved every second.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“You know I am.” Her smile was comforting and I started to calm down a bit. “Besides. If you fail. You won’t have to worry about it any more!”
“So we’ve stopped with the formalities then?”
“You know it!”
“Nice pep talk Amelia…Great….” I said sarcastically as I contemplated my death.

Only a few more minutes until we reach the precipice. I could see it, in the distance. A single, marble pedestal carved into the shape of one old Amaca holding the book on his back. The book issued our three trials. If we failed. We were thrown off the edge to the sharp rocks below where Ibikites wait to devour the remains, in a hungry scourge to survive. Scavengers. Primitive beasts with basic needs. To feed and reproduce. The only problem is, they can live centuries with out food, and when food is in sight. Not even a giant Wolfhog could stand in their way. I am so not looking forward to this.

I gripped the edge of my sleeve as the pedestal drew closer. What if I don’t pass? Will I be thrown? Will I have another chance? What if Amelia doesn’t pass? Will I go on with out her? What will I do?
I of course new the answer to all these questions. And it can all be summed up in three miniscule words. I. Will. Die.
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Hey this is AngelOfBlood, also known as Alex, which ever you prefer.
Anyways I write, Haden's point of view, just in case you were wondering. So if you see anything wrong, tell me! And comments would be nice. ^_^