The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 10

“Of course, hydro active phenomenal fluid, mixed with asteroid dust would created the biggest toxic mess, on the face of the planet!” I argued, lightheartedly. Keith and I had bonded in the short hours together. We had become great friends, it was so easy to forget that he was indeed a stallion. He and I both laughed at my exotic choice of words. Suddenly a shiver ripped throughout my body. I stopped in my place, taking in the scenery nothing seemed out of order. Another chill ran up my spine.

“I feel it too,” Keith said, quietly. The sky crackled angrily above. We both stood unmoved in our spots. I could here my heart pounding loudly, beat after beat. From beside me I saw Keith’s neck muscles tense. The strangest thing was heard next. Laughing. It was evil, menacing and most of all completely unexpected. The great black horse turned his head toward me, confused. My face did the same. Out of all the things, that could possibly have happened, laughing? I quickly placed myself upon my noble steed and he took off, we were in unapproachable land, we had wondered to far. That was the only explanation there was, because nobody was suppose to be anywhere near us in our search. I sighed in discontent.

“Wait! I know where we have to go next!” I suddenly exclaimed. It was all too clear. The laughing, was a clue. The next ingredient was the exact opposite of the dark, closing laugh. I somehow had to capture the essence of a child’s happy laughter. Keith, who had the uncanny power to feel his owners wants and exact needs, swerved quickly and galloped through the air, heading the way he new I needed to be in . To the Amacan Child's of All Creatures Sentre, it was like a daycare. In many ways the same, except the children would use magic, in the most simplistic ways.

In an hours time we had made it to the castle. All the flags whipped in the wind carelessly, the suns rays making it glow an extreme red. The castle was made of every color blocks that looked place together harmoniously. It was big enough to fit almost a thousand Kindercan’s, which was the name given to the youngsters until they reached their teens. We learn the art of magic from an early age. Most don’t even remember their parents. My poor friend Haden was one of these unfortunate souls. But sometimes it is harder to remember than it is not to have any memories at all. I pondered on my past for a while. Is Haden okay? I hope he isn’t in any trouble.
The children ran impulsively forgetting their mentors who chased them, beckoning them. I smiled at the almost to familiar scene. They all swarmed around me and tugged on my new robes. All with big grins on their faces. In my spare time I would come and play with the kids of Amaca. But with my new duties as an Amacan, I have little time for these young-lings. It warmed my heart to see them remember me.
Waves of magic floated around, I felt a small shock as one landed on me. I looked toward a small boy with curly brown hair who smiled proudly his red eyes gleamed, and he suck his tongue out at his teacher who scolded him for such an action. He was a true Ovrition. I smiled at the thought, but it was wiped away as I remembered the past of my people.
I shook the grim look off my face and continued to search for something, that would appeal to my senses. I had along day ahead of me, I needed to work as proficiently and quickly as possible.

My eyes were tired from searching, all day I had looked for something, somewhat familiar and had come up empty. I sighed heavily through my nose, my shoulders slumped.

“Lullaby! Let’s go!” An older looking mentor said clapping her hands exhaustingly. My gazed switched instantaneously to the younger girl that she was talking to. With soft bouncy blonde curls, this girl struck me hard, and my brain switched to observation mode, this was it. I could feel it.
She looked blankly at her personal teacher. My eyes narrowed, the way she appeared she should have been one of the most flamboyant Kindercan’s around. Yet she was not casting spells or doing anything for that matter. I approached the two slowly, to avoid any surprise attacks, as well as being teachers, the elders were very protective of the younger children keeping them as safe as they possibly could. And crossing one or presenting danger to an elder, is most likely the worst thing you could ever do. Both turned there heads quickly, surveying me as I approached.

“Hello,” I said softly, waving my hand. I put my left hand under my right elbow, and turned my hand around, then placed my palm upward, signifying that I was no threat to the younger citizen. It was an old Amacan tradition. The instructor bowed her head warily, muttering something about ungrateful teenagers, and swiftly walked a safe distance away, just enough so that she would still be able to get to the young girl if something was to happen.

I crouched down to meet the little girls height, I pulled back my hood revealing my face,
“Are you Lullaby?” I asked, smiling. She nodded her head, softly but spoke no words. “I’m Amelia, How do you do?”
“Okay,” she whispered, her voice as silent as a feather hitting floor.
“Would you like to help me with something?” I asked trying to hold back my giant triumphant grin, that would indeed scare her off. She shrugged, giving me a weak smile.
I stood up and lifted my hood over my head once again. Walking solemnly over to the elder I asked her permission if I may borrow Lullaby. She responded in a forgotten tongue. Damn, because linguistics was my worst part in school. I got the majority of it though. I arranged to pick her up from her quarters at midnight. And departed to my chambers.

I wondered if Haden was okay again. It’s not like him to not report every five seconds… He’s such a worry wart. I slumped on to my bed. I had yet to retrieve my second ingredient. I thought as I toyed with the jar that had a multicolored liquid inside. It shimmered and rippled as I moved it from left to right. I placed it heavily on my bedside tale.
“It always seems to work for Haden,” I said to myself and sat up cross-legged on the bed. I breathed in the energy around me. Taking in the surroundings.
Haden!? Where are you!? I whispered. He always did have exceptional skill with the mind. I reached out, far and wide. Searching for his presence. Nothing.
I relaxed and exhaled. I winced as I had the smash and bang of everything slamming in to the wall. I fell on to my bed.
“Argh! How does Haden put up with that?” I muttered. “Oh no. Not the cloud water!” I said watching the shimmering water slide through the cracks of the floor boards. The jar was smashed and shards of glass were everywhere. I waved my hand in a circular motion over the glass and it pieced itself back together. The water however. Was lost.
I slumped with a grunt onto my bed and drifted lightly into sleep. Waiting for midnight to come.
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Hey! Sorry this took so long I finally had time to post this. Anything wrong with this? Spelling? Confusion?