The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Night Elves and Goblins

H-Haden the voice echoed through the trees. My eyes shot open and I snapped straight up. I sensed no presence in the area. I let my breath go, and stared sleepily at the embers from the fire. It can’t have even reached midnight yet.
I reminisced on the voice for a moment. It was familiar somehow. I clicked my fingers in pride as I shouted
“Amelia!” I fell immediately silent and clasped my hands over my mouth. “I hope she’s okay,” I whispered. “Perhaps I should go back…For now anyway,” I said bringing my thumb and index finger to my mouth. I was about to whistle when a sharp pain dragged its way through my hand. I gripped my wrist and stared at the arrow. I felt no presence! Who shot me? I wondered as my eyes flicked to my surroundings.
“You cannot call your beast Amacan.” a gruff voice said.
“Reveal yourself. Or do you prefer to hide in cowardice?” I replied, hoping that insulting them is a good idea. Which of course it wasn’t.
“We are not cowards. And how dare you be as so bold to claim so,” he uttered and stepped forward. Purple-skinned with yellow eyes. His ears were point slightly. Elves. Night elves to be exact. Proud hunters rich with honour and tradition. Their physique was perfect for navigating through the dark jungles and forests at night. I listened to the creak of bows loading arrows, ready to fire at a moments notice.
“I mean you no harm,” I said.
“You have entered the forest of Neechin. You cannot leave, without King Acklay’s permission.”
King Acklay. Many stories have been told about his ruthlessness. The one thing more unpredictable than his anger is his mastery over the fire element. Many night elves practice elemental manipulation. They use their control over fire and nature to manipulate their surroundings. A marvelous sight when its not meant in violence towards you.
“Fine. I shall come peacefully. But first.” I winced as I yanked the arrow out of my hand. I absorbed the energy around me and my hand glowed a fluorescent blue as it healed. An elf snorted seemingly un-impressed by my magic.

I lowered my head and placed my right hand into my left sleeve. I was in the middle, a night elf on each side. The one in front walked with his back straight. His long, dark hair reaching his lower back. They only thing he wore on his muscular torso was a leather quiver, filled with pristine, wooden arrows. His trousers and shoes were made of leathery animal skins. I would not wish to confront him in a hand-to-hand battle.

The elf in front of me stopped and held his bow out. We all came to a halt as he pricked his ears up. He crouched down and caressed the dirt, gently with his fingers. He brought his fingers up to his hooked nose and sniffed. With hands fast as lightening he gripped an arrow and shot it from his bow. The arrow slipped through the trees and there was a moan and a thud.
“Defensive positions!” he shouted and the other elves separated into the darkness. He followed his previously shot arrow and dragged a body back through the bushes. It’s skin was a shade of green and scarred. His teeth yellow and jagged. His black armour was crudely worn. Goblin. The arrow was sticking out of his shoulder. The elf gripped him by his neck and sat him up. Whispering something in Goblinese. It sounded scratchy and hard to pronounce. I never learnt this language.
“Tell me you fool!” the night elf shouted as he raised his hand up to swipe the goblin. I caught it and prevented him from doing harm.
“There is no need for violence,” I say calmly. I had grown slightly accustomed to the little knowledge of brutishness that I hard learnt about these elves.
“Release my hand this instant! You think this filth is worth mercy!?” he said yanking his hand away from my grip.
“No more than you,” I said sharply. He gave me an evil look and kicked the dirt as he walked off.
I crouched next to the goblin, placing my left hand next to the arrow and gripping it with my right. “This is going to hurt.” I said staring into his eyes. He looked shocked for a moment. It appeared as if he had never seen an act of kindness. He then nodded and I pushed hard on the arrow. Pushing it all the way through until I could pull it out at the back. He screamed and yelled in pain. I discarded the arrow and place my hand on the wound. It healed as always. “Now please… Answer his questions” I said curtly. I gestured for the elf to return and he did. The goblin talked fast in his scratchy language.
A look of shock fell over the elf’s face. The goblin smiled and chuckled. “What is it?” and just as I ask I felt the change in atmosphere. There were others. A lot more. The goblin cackled louder and the elf placed his head between his hands quickly and snapped his neck. An eerie silence fell over us.
“Gather!” he commanded and the other elves appeared. The silence invaded once again. We all stood in a circle. I brought in the energy around me. Energizing myself. The others around me tensed and loaded their bows.
Laughing and giggles surrounded us. I don’t have time to weave a spell. I reach out to the empty space in front of me. At least five, I sensed were in that direction. They were everywhere. This would be my first official battle. I wished Amelia were here. She’d be calm right about now. Wouldn’t take any nonsense from the elves ether.
I gathered the energy in my hand and it burst into flames. The fire curled and hugged my hand. I looked to the leader to my left and nodded. We all separated into the dark. I launched the flame at a goblin. He flew back and started to roll around on the ground trying to put out the flames. I launched it again at another. I missed. I charged and grappled with his bow. Twisting it around expertly, I weaved under his arm and flipped him onto the ground. I reached down and snapped his neck. It was at that moment that I changed forever. The first time I had taken a life. Part of me felt powerful. I had the power to control someone’s life. The other felt sickened. I had killed. Murdered. Slaughtered as if it were no more difficult than shaking someone’s hand.
There was a grunt and an elf had landed in the open space. Her hair was tied tightly back and her quiver was at her side not her back. I watched as she stared at a goblin with an arrow already loaded in his bow. She was helpless. I sprinted. I whispered and chanted a spell. My eyes focused. The arrow fired. The elf shielded her face with her arm. In a blink of an eye it was in my hand. The elf looked up at me in awe as I stared at the badly carved arrow. I reached out telekinetically to the goblin as he was fumbling with another arrow. I pulled him back and dragged him along the floor. The tree shook as his body was thrown into it. I threw my hand to the right and he flew right. Slammed into another goblin. He clawed and screamed as I dragged him back. Holding onto the other goblin who clawed helplessly at a tree. I motioned with my hands and he contorted viciously. His dark green blood stained the tree as it squirted from his mouth. I let him go and sent a bolt of energy to my left. It pulsed blue as the goblin writhed and wriggled in agony.

We all gathered in the open space again. Back to back. Sweating and panting. Two were missing. Where are they coming from? My hands glowed and flicked with blue fire, ready to set alight anything that moved. Sensing my presence. The goblins knew that they were outmatched. And retreated cursing the sky as they jumped through the trees. I stood up from my defensive position and the female elf lowered her bow.
“It’s over.” I said feeling the goblins leave the area. She nodded and breathed heavily.

I looked to the sky that had turned to black, thunder sounded above like the sound of a hungry giant .
There was a cry to our left and we looked at each other and ran in the direction of the cry. There we found the leader elf cradling a young male elf in his arms. A tear ran down the older elf’s cheek. I remembered that elf had a certain spring in his step. Probably never tasted battle beforehand. Heck nether had I. Once more the sky trembled, and lightning brightened the darkness. The wind picked up and rain fell, in remorse. It didn’t seem fair that I survived and he didn’t. The cold water was soaking through my robes, but it didn’t matter. The boy’s skin was a pale purple. He was dead.
The teary eyed elf looked up,
“Is there anything you can do?” he whimpered, he seemed so fallen from his former glory. I shook my head in response, trying to clear the lump in my throat.
“I can’t bring back the dead,” I croaked.
“My son. My boy is dead.” He cried, clinging to the dead boy who‘s head drooped back. The female elf placed her hand on his shoulder.
“He is with the earth now. He’ll continue to live on in the everything you see. Even yourself.”
“What good is that!? I knew he was too young. I knew it! He hadn’t even felt the tenderness of a woman! I am a failure,” he sobbed.
“No. Not a failure. You are a great warrior and you raised your son the same. He died with honour and pride.” I had a feeling my comforts were of no use as he looked down at the dead boy.
The female elf lead him away from the body. I whistled, softly. The familiar beating of wings and short growls followed. The Lionasus landed, kicking up a cloud of dirt his wings wet but still as perfect. I lifted up the body of the elf boy and slung him over the magnificent creature.
I walked over to the remaining elves that were held in each others embrace.
“Let us go,” I said. The parted and we started to walk. The Lionasus padding after us.
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Whatcha! Another chapter. thank you for all the comments so far. but that doesnt mean you stop ¬.¬
Carry on commenting ideas. the pros the cons such and such