The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

King Acklay

Haden's Point Of View

We arrived. A single bonfire flickering in the centre of the small village was hissing at the rain. Huts made of straw and branches. Something so primitive for a culture so sophisticated. We were greeted with suspicious whispers and contagious muttering. I felt self conscious and lowered my head. My robes are torn and stained with dirt and blood. I could fix that. I will when I return home. I want people to see what I have done.

Walking mystically out of the fire. King Acklay. Sheathed in furs and skins of various animals. His yellow eyes shone like stars in the night sky. A crown of entwined wood rested upon his head, and a blue, glass-like bubble floated just above it. Specks of light swimming around in its core. He stared at me with malice in his eyes. Which suggested that he did not care that one of his own had fallen. The walk towards him felt like an eternity. Each step foretold doom. There was balance with the therapeutic pitter-patter of the rain that littered the sky.

We got to the point where we were only one maybe two meters away from the king. The remaining elves stepped forward and knelt on one knee. He stared at me, as if expecting me to do the same. I bowed. And he snorted as if to say that this was not an appropriate way to address him.
“What reason have you to bring this stranger into my domain?” he spoke in a deep voice. Although most creatures and beings regarded Amacans with respect, honour and kindness, there are the few that think very little of us. No more than cheap sorcerers with magic tricks.
“We brought him for permission to leave,” the leader elf said. His voice low and defeated. I am sorry that I have yet to know his name.
“You bother your King for this?” he said raising his voice to an angry tone. And as if reacting to his anger the bonfire behind him flashed and grew.
“Yes my lord,” the elf said. His voice unwavering to the image before him. It occurred to me that King Acklay’s power may only originate from fear. These people are not citizens. They’re prisoners under his rule.

My anger sparked to this realization. It’s not right for these people to live under fear. Under the power of someone so oafish and primitive. I stepped forward pushing the elf out of the way.
“What kind of a hold do you have on these people!?” I demanded an answer to my question.
“These are my loyal subjects. And you will do well to keep your tongue behind you teeth sorcerer! Before I have it removed.” He replied. I frowned in anger. The ground started to crack beneath my feet and the sky roared and flashed once more. The mutters of the crowd became loud. Damn my infernal self-righteous accusations!
“I am no common sorcerer Elven King! And you would do well to remember that. You control these people through fear. You have no power. And I demand that you release them from your grip. And that a new King be chosen!” How wrong I was. The people did serve him out of fear. I scanned their minds. Reading their thoughts and emotions. But when I read his. He had more power than I had acknowledged.

His skin turned black, and he grew bigger. Until the point where he was ripped out of his clothing by sheer muscle mass
. And in a deep roaring voice he uttered
“How dare you demand this! I have more power than you know! And you are weak compared to me!” I gulped. A lump had formed into my throat. I pondered my next move.
I puffed up my chest and forced an angry look onto my face.
“Then we shall test that theory!” I shouted and everyone parted. Surrounding us in a big circle. It appeared as if I was going to fight an Elven King. What have I gotten myself into this time?

I took two steps back and he did the same. I absorbed the energy around me. The essence from the trees. The living force of the elves. The sky roared. We stood there. Staring into each others eyes. The rain blurring my sight. The lightening lighting up the sky.
He lifted his arms up to the sky, as if gesturing something to come forward. The bonfire roared and flew up. He directed it. Controlling it as if it were merely an extension of his own body. I raised my head towards the sky and closed my eyes. Feeling the rain drip down my cheeks. Sensing the magic in the air. My fingers sparked with energy. It curled and twisted its way round my finger tips. Pulsing through my hands. I channeled it towards the King, and a bolt shot out. Dancing through the raindrops. It struck him. And he fell down dramatically. It pulsed through his body. He got up laughing. The energy still pulsing. He roared at the sky and it all transferred to his eyes.
He look evilly at me. “My turn,” he said. And through the giant orb of fire at me. I reached out to it. Mingling my energy with it. I raised my hand and it came to a sudden stop. Placing my finger on it, it creaked as it turned to ice.
“You underestimate my power,” I shouted smiling. I spread my fingers out and the ice exploded into shards. Motioning with my hands I turn them the opposite way. A look of terror appeared over the King’s face. “It’s not nice is it?” I said “Being in fear. Now you shall know the consequences of your ruthlessness!” I said and I pushed them forward. His screams filled the air as he cowered there like a child. After a few seconds of crying and begging, praying to his god that he’d live he looked up. Seeing that they had stopped in mid-air in front of him. I released the connection and they landed with a smash on the floor. A look of surprise sprawled itself on his face and he started to shake violently.
“W-Why didn’t you kill me?” he stuttered. I walked over and crouched beside him, placing my hand on his shoulder.
“You needed to see the pain of your people. I gave you that sight. I am not a murderer your grace. My people, are not murderers. Use the knowledge I have given you to rule in the right way. Without fear.” and with that I whistled. The Lionasus trotted over gleefully. I smiled. I waved my hand of the body of the elf boy. He rose into the air. “Would it be ok if I stayed to pay my respects?” I asked to the elf’s father. He smiled and nodded. I lifted the body off the air and into my arms. Passing it on to the father. His smile immediately fell and a female cried somewhere in the crowd.
“Oh! My boy! Lypto! No! He can’t be dead!” I immediately felt feelings of remorse and sorrow for the child. He had his whole life in front of him. Over with a well placed strike. It wasn’t fair.

I lead my Lionasus to a little wooden hut filled with hay. He isn’t a vegetarian but it provided shelter and a bed. He slumped on to it exhausted. I sat cross-legged in front of him and started to meditate. Amelia must have tried to contact me. She isn’t the best with the powers of the mind. I searched far and wide. All the way back to the Amacan stronghold. I immediately sensed her pain. Her anger. So much anger. I heard cries and the sounds of battle. Before my vision could clear I was awakened from my meditative state.
“You fought well today.” It was the elven father. “You fought with honour. And pride. Please would you honour me and my wife for dinner and a place to stay?” I smiled kindly. Something to eat would be nice. I thought to myself. Gripping my stomach as it rumbled.
“The honour is all mine. I am sorry about your loss.”
“Your apologies are not needed friend. It was my fault. He was not ready. I have only myself to blame.”
“No. No one is to blame. Nether you or the goblins that slew him. You could not have known it would have happened.” I said placing my hands on his shoulders and staring into his eyes. “Before I follow. Would you be as so kind as to tell me your name?” maybe I can finally find out this elf’s name.
“My name is Arget. Arget Lihj. And what be yours?”
“Haden. Haden Crosslire. And it is a pleasure to meet you Arget.” I smiled and he lead me to his hut.

His hut had a warm and comfortable feel to it. I stepped through the door and lowered my hood. I was greeted by a hug from Arget’s wife. I embraced the hug meaningfully. But looked confused. There was two elves in this hut, yet I sensed another…
I shook my head of these thoughts, just in time to here her say
“Thank you. You have freed us. Thank you so much.” It was then I realized what the other presence was. The other presence was in her! I quickly placed my palm on her stomach just to be sure. She looked worriedly at Arget.
“Haden what are you doing?” I looked up with joy and happiness. And turned to face his wife. She looked scared not knowing what was on my mind.
“You’re pregnant.” A single beam of light shot through the window and poetically landed on her stomach. Her face lit up with joy and she ran up to her husband and kissed him passionately. Another nights sleep wasted I thought as I laughed in happiness.
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i guess we kinda forgot about it for a while.
I hope you liked it. comment and tell me what you think.