The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 14

“I don’t think that really is any of your concern,” I said hotly. Everything about him was arrogant. The way he walked, talked and sometimes even stood. At first he had seemed so kind and now he was truly a disappointment. His heinous smile dropped and he moved closer to me.
“Well why not?” He questioned. I watched him closely, interpreting his movements. Narrowing my eyes I instinctively moved back a step. He sighed, “Are you scared of me?”
“No,” I said angrily. He smiled sickly. Coming even closer than before. He put his hand to my face, touching me lightly, I sucked in my breath. His hand moved back to stroke my hair. I pushed his hand away, surprised. “Don’t touch me!”
“Well why not? I like you is that not obvious?” he stated. If I had not been watching his face closely, I would have missed the obvious twitch his right eye made. I blinked back confounded. He noticed my constant staring and smiled wider, his lips trembled similar to his eye.
“He isn’t a-” My voice trailed off in a whisper. I opened my mouth wide in realization, “You aren’t even a human Amacan, you are a full fledged Falod!” These creatures were sort of a genetic glitch among the Human’s. As if they weren’t a glitch themselves. They were wickedly charming, extremely condescending and had one trait that profoundly removed them from the mortal category. They constantly convulsed regularly. The scariest part about them was that once they found something they wanted, they never let go. Which indeed meant one thing.
“I challenge you to an Amacan duel!” Surprise conquered out all of his facial expressions, for a moment it seemed he wasn’t quite sure. This was strange, a Falod never quite once confronted with a challenge. My thoughts of him quitting went out the window when he raised his hands out in front of himself. Suddenly with a flash of wind we were on the circular platform, ready to begin the match. The Amacan sign was pulsing a vibrant red in the sky above us and then it was only him and I, captured in stunning darkness. I glared at him, from my spot clenching my fists. I ground my teeth together, this had gone too far. I was going to stop it.
“You have no idea what you’re getting into,” his voice whispered around my head. I gasped and built up once more, my brick wall. Layer by layer making it firm and tough. I saw him roll his eyes, when he pushed and didn’t succeed. I smirked arrogantly, my biggest mistake yet. He saw the moment of weakness and broke through. My wall shattered into tiny sand grains of maroon. I fell back onto the ground, when the wall exploded in my mind, like it had hit me. I screamed when he raised me into the air, with the flick of his wrist. He slung me into the rock pillar that stood at the edge hidden in darkness. I could already begin to feel the skin around the sensitive spots on my body, peel in pain. The red liquid that flooded my veins peering out. My eyes drooped as I felt hot tears cloud my vision, I blinked them back furiously. Scratching my elbows in the process I got up, shakily. As soon as I was up, there I was again getting a hard blow to the stomach. I struggle for breath, and my eyes bulged, my mouth let up a deep cough.
“Had enough yet?” Scott sneered. My eyes darkened and I stood up ignoring the perpetual pain. He needed to be taught a lesson. I waved my hand, my thoughts dominated by anger. His breath was gone for a mere second as he was picked up and flung back down to the earth, leaving a rather large print as he stood up, still as strong as when he started. I pushed my hand backwards and he flinched, but realized he was in no danger, when the magic tied up my long locks of hair, so I could concentrate. I waved my hand the same way and this time his feet kicked out from under him and he tripped sliding forward breaking the concrete floor. My face was expressionless, but you could feel the waves of tension I was making in the air. He got up slowly, pushing himself with his arms. Scratches covered his once flawless face. I almost smiled but that would show weakness, and wouldn’t have a good outcome for me. His movements were now increasingly slow, I raised one eyebrow cautiously. Sooner than I expected he threw a tunnel of black magic. This is not an Amacan, some darker creatures had tried before getting into the confined group, how could this one have been past through, it determined a lot of self control on his part. Swirling at me with rising speed. If I hadn’t expected this movement it would have blown me hard to the earth, shattering my chance at winning. Before his dark magic was half way to me. I was circled in white crystal, making the magic bounce off and turn into a black cat. Scott was un-amused at my analysis of his magic, torn to be precise.
“See I am not as stupid as you thought me to be,” I stated, he growled in a sinister way. I gave him my best fake smile, before I waved my hands and tried to fling him in the air again. Instead I went hurling through the air with a loud crash. I gripped my elbow in pain, my legs stung terrified and he walked closer. He stopped in front of me and looked down upon my pathetically armed body. With scrapes and possibly a broken limb or two. My tired eyes fluttered relentlessly, and closed for short periods of time. I was beginning to wonder why he hadn’t just finished me off yet. Maybe he knew I was done for, that I would die on this very spot. I couldn’t force myself to open my eyes, and my body felt limp. I wondered what would happen if I just gave up here, but could I really do that? I had so much to fight for, so much that I had lost, but even so, what would happen to those I left behind. No, I affirmed I couldn’t leave everyone to do everything themselves! How could I be so selfish? All the things I could achieve. Everything I could see and protect. I can’t give up now. And Haden, we promised best friends forever. Forever didn’t mean that you could give up when you still had a chance and forever most definitely did not apply to one person leaving the other being alone by themselves. I strengthen my body letting the magic weave through the torn flesh. I maneuvered my way up and sat there for a moment with my eyes open, I was back in the hallway that this once started in. I got up of the cold stone floor. Pushing my re-energized hands in front of my body.
“I summon you back! This is not over!”

Suddenly different scenes flashed before me, until I was back in the overwhelming darkness. I heard light footsteps and there he was again, still cut and battered up. His face was stern and annoyed tremendously.
“It’s so lovely that your back,” he said, “Now leave me alone!” he blew his sparkling dust towards me. Slowly it came forward until it stopped and landed a few measly steps in front of me. I arched my eyebrows, a laugh started to bubble at my throat. Until the dust its self started to foam. It grew quickly spreading like wild fire, and soon it towered over me, taking the shape of two imaginary creatures. Both armed with shinning swords. Their heads scaled with red, and beady yellow eyes. The rest of their bodies was made up of a silver armor. They synchronized every movement their breathing was the same, their stance, identical. I stared at to two, and they finally rose to action, at the same time. Pointing their swords at me, I gulped.
“Can’t fight your own battles?” I said still looking at the creatures, but my voice edged to Scott.
“No. I can fight my own battles, but sometimes I choose not to.”
“I see.”
“Now enough talk, fight!”
They started in motion moving together again. They both took a jab at me at the same time missing, when I dodged it. I froze them both in time, everything stopped around me. Giving myself time to think. If they both moved together, they had to have some weakness, that was similar to the other. I pondered this thought for another moment. They both did what the other did, so if the other got a bash to the head, the other would feel it too! I smiled in satisfactory, I let time continue normally. They looked stunned as they realized what I had done, and they angrily stepped forward, I balled my hand up and waved it, a large battle pole appeared. They exchanged impressed glances and shook their heads clearing their thoughts. One brought up his sword and struck, sparks flew when it intersected my pole. The other copied its actions at the same time, getting the same outcome. My hands trembled, as I tried to withstand the pressure of both swords. Finally they both let up, attacking my sides. I stopped the one on my right, flinging the sword from its oily looking hands, and I heard another clash of metal as the others went flying out of its grip, because of the others fault. I used magic to enlarge my foot and kicked the monster in the knee, they bent over in pain, and grunted simultaneously. I pushed one over and both fell to the ground, orange liquid poured from their mouths, and I frowned grimly. I dusted off my hands and turned to face the Falod, he was indeed flabbergasted.
“So now that they are gone, I guess it is a party of two,” I felt my red eyes glow brightly. “Now. You listen to me.”
I glared at him, and he twitched. He brought his hand up but stopped in midair. His eyes now reflected my own.
“You are no longer aloud to live,” I said confidently. His body trembled again in response. “Kill yourself! I am not a murderer, I will take no one’s life, purposely.”
He shook trying to restrain my commands but it was entirely useless, an Ovrition that possessed someone could not be stopped. The subject would bow to its very will, even if it suggested harming its own self. He forcefully brought the sword that laid on the ground up to his tanned face. I watched keeping my commands intact, just to be sure.
“Now! Do it now!” I said viciously, this new side of me was demanding. The only problem with possessing another was that you lost a bit of yourself. You became cranky, angry for no reason, and aggressive but could easily go back if it was what you truly wanted. I let out a deep breath, when he brought the sword closer to his chest, and plunged it deeply stabbing his heart and brain that sat behind his ribs together. The sickening crunch of bones being bent erupted through the battle field. Then I saw his body fall lifelessly to the ground, and in a shatter of dust he was gone. I blinked back and my eyes turned their normal redness. I closed my eyes, and when I re-opened the I was back in the hallway once more. I pulled out my pony tail and patted down my long hair, along with my robes. I looked up smiling, and fled the room quickly, skipping gracefully down the long corridors. Trying to seem totally oblivious to what had just happened, but I new the dreams would come, and no one could stop them.
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Alright, next chapter, hopefully it is good enough for not updating very recently but I'm not so sure that will cover it. Anyways, confusion? Spelling errors? Questions?