The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 2

Amelia’s Point Of View

The look that was, defined on his pale face told me everything I needed to know. He seemed to take everything to far. Of course we both knew, him deep, deep down that he was not going to die, he was an extremist in every way possible. I sighed knowing there was no possible way for him to be reassured unless it was said so from higher up. I kicked a small pebble that blocked my way, and it rolled curving to the right, into the luscious green grass.

His breathing was deep and shallow now, I looked up startled we were quickly approaching, and everyone gathered into a giant semi-circle. I looked over at Haden again, he was visibly shaking. He had his jet black hair covering his pale face. He was a typical Hortanian, constantly worrying. I nudged him with my elbow, and smiled encouragingly. He looked up his eyes wide glistening with fear, and bit his lip. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the old man, he flipped through the pages warily, his long pale fingers wrinkled. Other men in deep violet robes, walked to stand behind there master. Shattered Domens. They lived to serve. They had no face, and looked sculpted out of stone.

“On this hallowed ground we worship those of our ancestors,” the old man spoke his voice deep, but praising. “We gather together, to abide by our rules and promise the futures of our young ones.” he paused looking around at all the participants. He cleared his throat, “Come to the front, when your name has been called.”
“Here we go,” I laughed at Haden’s, shocked face.

The old man suddenly raised his hands and all around us, the giant rocks brimmed with red light. They poured up into the sky. The wind picked up and blew my hair in every direction. It did not die down, it continued harshly. Soon the red rays connected themselves, trapping us into its colored bubble. Pictures floated across the red, like a giant projector. The earth beneath us shook and the anything that was not inside the bubble crumbled away. The man smiled at the ancient tradition, and his Domens nodded their heads in familiarity. Haden grabbed my forearm, squeezing it tightly. I stood up straight, showing how confident I felt, at this moment.

“Ezia Troy,” he called out stiffly. The small blonde girl walked into the center and trembled in fear. She bowed her head.
“Yes, your grace?” her voice was weak, and we could all sense what was about to happen.
He snapped his fingers and a boulder appeared. “Hold this.” he said throwing it directly at the girl. Haden gasped, but I could not look at him my eyes were glued to the scene before me. She did not look away from the flying rock, and it collided with her body effortlessly, she made no sound. The boulder disappeared, and Ezia laid on the ground, her body scraped, blood spilt from it.

“Get up.” he commanded, his voice bored. “If your mind is strong, keep me from entering.” he said when she stood. She clutched her fingers into a fist, concentrating. Her body struggling to keep out the old magic. Suddenly her scream pierced the air, with great depth. Everyone covered there ears tightly.

“This is your last assessment.” the old man spoke. “ Face your greatest fear.” He closed his eyes. Waving his hand, letting his creation come to life. Out of mist a giant Centratior, came bearing his sharp yellow teeth. He came at the small girl, knocking the last ouch of power from her body. She laid on the gravel, and she moaned, from the pain. The old man raised his hand once more, taking away the creature. She was through with it, there was nothing left of her.

“I am terribly sorry to report, that you have failed all three examinations. Strength and Speed. Concentration and resilience.” he said harshly, he nodded toward his minions. Before she even had time to scream, she was thrown by the Domens, through the bubble, and toward her death. We all heard the sharp tears of flesh, and tears welded in my eyes. Her screams, echoed through out the bubble and died down slowly. It was almost like she had died in front of us, but so much worse.

“Haden Crosslire,” the old man suddenly called out. Haden froze beside me.
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Hey! I'm NatashaHalloweengirl, call me Natasha. I write Amelia's Point of view. I don't really have anything to say seeing as this is only the second chapter. Any questions, or if I've spelt anything wrong, tell me. Comments would be lovely. : )