The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 3

I paused. Paralyzed to the very spot of which I stood. Ezia’s dieing screams echoing through my skull.
“Harden Crosslire!” he called again. I had studied with this old man so many times before. It hurt me to see him act so ruthless.

It took all my strength but I moved my feet towards the pedestal. They felt heavy, like they were stuck in cement. My two hearts were trying to burst through my chest. I wiggled my nose as a bead of sweat rolled down the left side of my nose. The walk felt like an eternity.
I held my breath. Sucked in my chest. Bowed. And said in a voice barely above a whisper,
“Sorry my grace” He smiled down on me. The sun shining behind him gave him a shining halo around his figure. I felt relaxed.
“The test of strength!” he shouted and a large boulder crumbled from the remaining ground. Moss and mud flying off it. I turned to face it. Feet shoulder width apart. Arms out in front of me. I took a deep breath. My legs and arms twitched as I took energy from the air.
I nodded. And the boulder sped towards me. The air made a buzzing sound from the magical charge in the boulder. It slammed into my hands. I bent my arms to prevent breaking.
He started to count slowly as I struggled with the weight.
Sweat rolled down my face.
My legs are starting to buckle.
I can’t concentrate… Can’t take in more energy. I need to.
I groaned, loudly. I’m gonna drop it. I could feel it.
“5! Release!” Gortug shouted. His white hair whipping in the wind. I push as hard as I could on the boulder and it landed a few meters in front of me.
“You have completed test one. Using your physical body to prove your strength in the art of magic…” it didn’t make sense to me. But nothing Gortug ever said made sense. But his words always did meditate wisdom. “The second test! If your mind is as strong as your body. Keep me from entering.”
I took a deep breath and nodded. Signaling for him to begin. He closed his eyes and faced the sky. I shut my eyes and started to build a barrier.

A cool sensation washed over me. I could feel his presence. Worming its way in. I pushed back. Thinking of barriers. Walls. Boxes. Anything that is used with blocking. I started to get a headache. It stung as he pushed harder. I frown. Intensifying my power. The power of the mind was always my best aspect.
“You have passed.” A voice whispered. “Haden! You have passed,” it whispered a little louder. It took me a while to realize what had happened. I opened my eyes and let in the mumbles and whispers of my other students. “Impressive Haden,” Gortug said. I looked down. Realizing I wasn’t touching the floor. But floating. Cross legged. Concentrating on keeping him out. I stepped down lightly. Scared I would fall and steadied myself. “Your last and most important trial. The trial of resilience. Let me in to your mind.” and I did.
It felt as if my mind was a corridor of many doors. And he was skipping through them as if it was nothing. The cool sensation chased the headache away. “Your greatest fear” his words echoed.

No. It couldn’t be. I panicked. My two hearts had started to attempt to punch their way through again. I was breathing loudly. Almost panting. And out of the shadows it stood. For all to see. A figment of my imagination. Not a real creature of course. But everything I feared none the less. Saliva dripping off it’s grotesque, yellow teeth. Blood seeping through the cracks of its skin. Snakes for hair. Eyes, soulless slits of suffering and torture. How could I possibly overcome this? I started to shake. I wanted to run away. I let go of my bladder, feeling the stream of urine run down my leg.

I shut my eyes tightly. And took deep breaths. Its not real. It can’t be real. But I knew here. It was. How was I supposed to overcome fear itself?

I tried weaving a simple spell. My lips chanted the words effortlessly as the clouds clumped together in darkness. The creature gave a roar. A roar that consisted of the screams of a thousand people. It screamed at the sky.

The clouds, thundered and flashed as I was chanting my spell. It was hard to concentrate over the roar of fear. It was working though. I started to feel safe. I worked my best in a storm. It flashed once more. And a bolt of white lightening forked down and struck the creature. It disappeared immediately. What? It can’t be over. Can it?

I don’t dare open my eyes until I felt the warmth of the sun on my face. I had ceased the spell. The clouds started to part. And a blade of light shone and enlightened my face. I opened my eyes one at a time, and took in the cheers of my peers with pride.
“Well done. Haden Crosslire. You have proven that facing your fears is possible. Even if the only thing you fear is fear itself. You may now proceed to the receiving chamber. Where you shall receive your robes, and be welcomed into the fortress of Amaca. Welcome, my Amacan brother.” Gortug beamed with happiness. I had done it. I made it. And as a bonus… I didn’t die!

I turned and headed back to the Amaca walls. Ready to forget this day. And welcome Amacan hood. I turned a corner. And heard Gortug call the next student.
“Elika Muhklo” he said in a raspy voice.
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO spooky. any way feel free to comment^_^