The Battle For The Sadow Grounds

Chapter 4

Students were challenged one by one, the time flew by quickly as I watch others try to pass. I looked in horror every time someone was thrown to the wild Ibikites. Some students failed. Some passed. I was now beginning to doubt my own capability of completing these once simple tasks. Few remained before he called my name. I walked as casually as I could without looking fearful. I blocked everything except his words out. Suddenly I could no longer feel the wind blowing forcefully. Or the tension that filtered the air from the remaining. I could not hear any whispers or gravel crunching. I set a determined look on, and bowed slightly.

“Your grace,” my voice was quick and surprisingly showed no fear, which trembled through the limbs of my body.
“You have seen this many times today, you know what to do!” he exclaimed. I looked ahead trying to see the boulder, but it was nowhere in sight. Turn. On instinct I turned quickly, there behind me the boulder was shooting through the air. With a wave of both hands the boulder stopped before me, still in mid-air. I stepped forward and gripped it tightly with my arms, crouching my knees, for support. I clicked my tongue and the boulder weighted down my body, my muscles tensed around it. I held my place counting on my own. My body weakened slightly and I pushed back up.
“Release.” I dropped the giant boulder onto the ground and stepped back. “Interesting,” he mused. I pushed my back muscles together, stretching away the stiffness.

“Concentration, my dear is key,” he announced. “Ready?” I nodded.
I built up my brick wall, stacking the bricks carefully upon one another. I enclosed myself in the perfect setup. He tried to push down the wall but nothing could, I had used this before on many occasions. I could feel his trouble, his strength.
“Very good,” he spoke. I did not put my wall back down, and was not surprised when I found him on the other side again pushing with all his might. I heard him sigh and the pressure was gone. “Alright, you may take it down.” One by one the bricks were removed and I came face to face with Gortug.

“Last test, release your mind to me,” he commanded. He pulled out the boxes of memories and flitted through the files. He closed and opened many until he stumbled on the right one. I licked my lips they were sore and tingled. I looked at the old practitioner, waiting. He looked at me, contemplating. He closed his eyes, scrunched up his face and tilted his head to the side a little. He looked like he was deciding if he should use my fear. I was confused, what was my fear? Could it be that bad?

With a snap of his fingers he was back with his Domens. “Are you ready?” he asked.
I nodded again, unsure but willing.

Soon I was in a dark room, it was all to familiar. There was no objects in the room. I listened for what I new was coming next.

“There you are, you’re a disgrace,” my mother said. “Why do you show up everyday? Nobody wants you.” she sneered. I tightened my jaw. She raised her hand and slapped me across the face. I closed my eyes, as the impact sent me back a step. I knew what I had to do.
“Do not touch me.” I said back. Her eyes widened, and she stepped closer.
“What did you just say to me!” She growled the last word, using the power my father so lightly gave her. Her body grew till her head reached the ceiling. Her eyes turned black, and her skin as white as snow. She mutated from human to a Repical Mugus. This creature was some sort of reptile, with scales as sharp as knives, that shimmered in the weak lighting of the room. Being part fox, It’s large canine teeth and padded paws were particularly memorable. She scratched my left cheek, with a reptilian claw and pushed me into the wall. I slide down it, holding my sleeve to my face. She came at me again, whipping her fox tail behind her, and grabbed my arm flinging me to the opposite wall. I landed with a sharp crunch. She moved again. I focused my thoughts. Gathering my fear and energy.

I felt my red eyes flash, and I stood up almost immediately ignoring the pain. Lifting my arm up in front of me, I playfully, snapped my fingers and she hunched over in pain, grunting in response. I flicked my hand to the right and she flew into the wall breaking it. Everyone staring intently. I ran out of the old room, that I knew all too well. Stumbling towards her.

Finally I summoned up enough power, and I twirled her in the sky. Slowly piece by piece the air tore her apart and she was gone. I let out a huge breath, walking weakly back to the centre, steadying my self, trying to rid myself of tears. With all that I have done I must have done something right. I swallowed nervously.

“Very good, you have past, go on.” he said lightly. “Onto the fortress of Amaca. Welcome, my Amacan sister,” I bit my lip. And affirmed my understanding with a small nod. I took a few, draining steps forwards and fell to one knee. I couldn’t walk! Cold hands, or should I say claws? Gripped under my arm. Shattered Domens.
My breathing became heavy, I thought I had made it? Am I gonna be cast in? I started to panic. I can’t fight now. I looked up. The edge of the cliff drew nearer and nearer. This is it, the last time I would ever see this beautiful place, I thought to myself. When all of a sudden we changed direction and started to plod towards the magnificent walls of Amaca. It was almost heavenly. It seemed to glow a brilliant white. But that could just be the refraction from the light mist that surrounded, or maybe from the ultimate relief I felt. The sounds of the next student died down.
I started to support my weight slightly. Taking the pressure off the Domens. Their faces, although carved as if in stone, were gentle and warming.
The fortress drew nearer. And a smile etched its way across my face. It seemed I was already forgetting the trials. And already forgetting the large cuts that covered the left half of my face.
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